January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013!

Another year is upon us. (Oh, you didn't know that? Glad I could help.) 

 2012 was a year to remember, for sure. The biggest thing was of course our trip to Ecuador and the addition of Flor to our family. Our baby also turned one and we basically have a full fledged adult in Hallie (when did she get so old?) We have been blessed in many, many ways.

2012 was also somewhat of a difficult year for me personally. I think I have grown and stretched in ways that I never have before. I am still learning and I still need to improve in a lot of areas, but Heavenly Father knows the challenges we need in order to become the people He wants us to be, and I think he definitely has me pinpointed.

I am really not one for setting New Year's resolutions because I kind of think it is silly to just set goals once a year. I try to keep track of what I am doing and what I need to improve throughout the year. However, I am going to go on record and add two things that I want to work on this coming year.

1) Attend the temple more frequently. Devin and I had a conversation today about the importance of this. We used to do so much better when we were first married (and childless). Adding children obviously makes it a bit more difficult to attend as frequently, but we DO have the time. It may be a sacrifice sometimes, but a worthy one.  We likely will not attend together much of the time,but that doesn't matter. I notice such a difference in my life when I am attending the temple regularly versus when I am not. It is easy to forget the peace, hope, and help that can come with temple attendance. Just today, we went to Carlie and Tim's sealing (Congrats to two of my most favorite people by the way..so, so, so happy for them). It was incredible and reminded me why I love to be in the temple so much. If any of you have any thoughts or tidbits about how you make temple attendance a priority, I am all ears. :) I think this goal will help me with my second goal to...

2) ...Be a more patient mom. I have never been the most patient person. I come from a family of yellers and I find myself increasingly becoming a yeller. I don't want to be the kind that is constantly yelling at my kids, but I do slip into that sometimes and I don't like it. I want to be one of those sweet, soft spoken moms who just overflows with love even when her kids are acting like terrorists (no, you don't see it in me? Me neither. Oh, well...one can wish, right?) I really do want to improve in this area, though, so there it is.

The best part about setting goals like this is that I have a really fabulous husband to help and support me. I woke up the other day and looked at him and had the realization that I love him more each day. I thought I had reached the peak of my love for him on the day we were married, but in reality, it is a much deeper and much more real love now. I can't wait to see what it is like in 70 years (ha!). I do feel like he is the best motivation and motivator for me to be better and I want to be the kind of spouse to him that he is to me.

So with that....bring on 2013!!

1 comment:

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

awesome goals! I wish I could limit mine to just two... sheesh... I agree that this last year has been very challenging. Anytime you come up with ideas for the patient category pass them on! I find that when I slow down on my own ridiculously long to-do list, that I am actually a calmer mother (go figure). It's a day to day challenge, but we're in this together!