Yep, Yep. I busted out my favorite title of all time.
While I am still a committed BYU fan, I AM going to be starting school at the University of Utah in May. I got word right after Christmas that I got into their advanced standing master's of social work program. Wahoo! Best Christmas present ever. Thanks to all my co-workers who helped me write my essays...I am pretty sure that's what got me in. :) I knew it was competitive (about 1 in 3 get in) so I was really trying to prepare myself for let down, just in case. But....good news is always welcome!!
I have thought about doing my master's degree for sometime now and this year is the year. It is always interesting to see the path that our lives have taken. So far, it hasn't quite been what I expected, but I have the knowledge that Heavenly Father is in charge and that we have followed the path that He would have us do. When Devin and I were first married, we were both in school. I graduated in 2008 and went right to work. He finished in 2011 and we dedicated ourselves to our adoption process. We all know how much that consumed us...but I started thinking about going back to school on my end after we had been home with Flor for some months. I think because it has been a big goal of mine and I am always preparing and planning for my next goal, it just felt right to start considering it more seriously.
I love that Devin and I have an equal relationship in that both of our goals and needs are considered when we make big decisions. I know Devin would love to move on from his current job, but he is willing to sacrifice and stay there another year so that I can go to school. The big reason that I chose the U's program is that it is only a year....I think I can do anything for a year, right?! He will be home during the day with our kids, so we will continue to not need outside childcare. I am grateful that he is so supportive of my desire to further my career and talents. Before you judge me (cause I have heard it already), know that this is something we have prayed about considerably and something we feel really good about. My primary role in life is that of a mother, but I also feel that I have been given specific talents that I need to develop in my personal/professional life. We feel so good about this decision.
I attended the orientation today and left feeling so excited. I am really passionate about social work and have the desire to learn as much as I can in order to help in whichever areas I may find myself in the future. I really enjoy working-- it is so fulfilling for me-- so in reality, I probably will continue working, even when it is not "necessary" for our family. I love part-time work like I have now and hope to continue to work in fields that are flexible in schedule. With my Master's, I will have many more opportunities than I have now. I could do part-time therapy once or twice a week in the evenings after Devin gets home once he goes to a regular 9-5 job. I just get really excited thinking about all the different possibilities. we start!
It will be interesting to see how the schedule pans out, but I do know that the summer will be for "bridge courses" held M-Th for 2 1/2 months, and then the fall will consist of 3 days a week at an internship and 2 days in classes (Thursday and Friday.) Since we just got the FrontRunner (high speed train) here, I will take it to SLC and back for class days and then get an internship somewhere right here close to home.
One part of the process is to choose a "concentration"- one area where my studies will be focused. There are seven choices and I really find them all so interesting, but I think I will put mental health as my first choice. The other choices are child welfare in social work, forensic social work, substance abuse social work, global social work, aging in social work, and health in social work. I need to put down a second and third choice in case the first doesn't work out. I haven't decided on that yet...the only one that doesn't really interest me is the aging one.
So, wish me luck in the next year. It's gonna be a crazy one for sure!
And, I will end with a cute, completely non-related story:
My cousin Cortney called me today to report that her daughter Avery (age 7) came home from school and told her mom that they had talked about Martin Luther King, Jr. and diversity/being nice to those who are different in class that day. She proudly told Cortney that she raised her hand and told her class that she has a cousin named Flor who is brown and we are just as nice to her as we are to everyone else. She also said that she would let Flor sit next to her on the bus because she is no different (they must have talked about Rosa Parks too). Cortney was happy to report that we are a fully accepting family and that bus trips will not be a worry for us. cute. High five, Aves, for being so awesome!
And...don't worry, for the one of you who asked-- the Disneyland pictures are coming!
Who would give you judgy comments? Lame. I'm SOOOO excited for you and think you will find it hard, but super rewarding and interesting and fun. At least I hope you do! I think you are Superwoman, and you will rock this!!!
I think I commented on your fb post, too, but CONGRATULATIONS on getting into the program! I'm sorry you've had people criticize you. Taking this next step is a wonderful, exciting thing and I'm so happy you have a partner who supports you. Everyone deserves that. I love working part-time too and I'm excited for the opportunities you will have with an MSW!!! You'll be amazing!
Well, I have said it many times before and I will say it again, and again, and again etc.....BUT you are seriously FLIPPIN amazing woman (and your husband too!) Congrat's on continuing your education! I think it is fantastical that you are going to and willing to continue and know what you want to be "when you grow up." I would love to finish my associates but after that I have no idea what I want to do. So good for you!
As for the just tell them to look up Doctrine and Covenants 130: 18-19.
And thanks for the "Coming Soon" pictures! :) Bwahaha! Love that I am so demanding?!
You are amazing! I'm so proud of you! You're going to be a great student and a great mom!
One year!? You totally got this. Education opens so many doors and it is so worth it even if you never worked. I am so so grateful I got my degree and have already seen it bless my life and my family's in so many ways. It makes me think of grandma. Grandpa stayed behind in the summers with half the family while grandma took the youngest ones to a different city for the summer while she got her masters and then later her pH.d. I totally support you and think Devin rocks for being such an awesome husband.
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