*Devin's Birthday:
I like to tease Devin about getting old, but the truth is that I am older than he is...by a whole two weeks. So I guess I had better quit that. :) Another year down for both of us and we have hit the ripe old age of 27.
For Devin's birthday, he had the joy of going to work all day. He did get off in time for us to go to a session at the temple (thanks to Devin's parents for watching our kids-- at his sister Mesha's house because they were staying with her kids for the week). After the temple, we ran to pick up some pizza for dinner, which we enjoyed along with cake and ice cream back at Mesha's house. He opened his presents at home right before the kids went to bed because I forgot to bring them to Mesha's. Oops.
I know the cake looks like a hamburger- though that was not the goal (clearly my cake decorating skills are abysmal). It was a good cake though-- pumpkin pecan with caramel topping. Devie blew out all the candles in one go! Wow. |
2/3 of the kids looking happy--we will take it! My whole world, right there in this picture. |
*BYU Study:
Flor is being studied by a professor and some students in the psychology department at BYU. She was in a study over the summer during extended school year, and now in another. I quite like these things because people watch her and see what triggers certain behaviors and then give us techniques and ideas on how to prevent them. It is fabulous. I met with the professor and two of his students last week (they came to my work--which is on campus-- and the receptionist called me and said "your clients are here!" I am thinking the professor loved that...since he clearly has many more clinical skills than I do...) Anyway, we talked for a while about Flor and some of what she has been through and what we are working on with her. It surprised me how emotional I was just talking about her. I cried a little and while it embarrassed me, I thought about it later and recognized it as a really good sign that things in the bonding area have solidified even more. I cried when talking about her needing to rock herself to sleep at night because that was a habit that she developed as a little one when no one was there to do it for her. Pull at a mother's heart strings, right there. Anyway, I am excited to see how this new study goes! Also in other Flor news: She has two, two hour appointments this week at the local mental health facility to start a full Psych Evaluation and IQ test. Wish us luck on this...
Who doesn't love FALL!? I love it. The changing colors, the drop in temperatures, the baking..oh, the baking. I wish I didn't love it so much, but I do. I just made
these with the kids the other day and holy cow, are they good. But then again I love anything with pumpkin...do yourself a favor and make some. I also love the re-emergence of boots, sweaters, and soups. Yay for fall!
*General Conference:
What can I even say about this, except for that it was amazing. During Hallie's computer class on Friday, I was talking to my friend Kellie and she was asking what I do to keep the kids entertained during conference. The answer- nothing. She said that all she does is take a ziplock bag and put an activity or treat in for every one of the 15 in the First Presidency and Quorum of the 12, and then when that person speaks, her kids get to go find the bag with their picture on it and play with that activity or have that treat. I thought it was high time I do something as well, so on a whim I decided to copy her idea and roll with it. She told me that she got all of her prizes and activities at the dollar store, so I headed there right after computer was over, eager to get going. Well, what do you know, I had left the house without my purse- therefore, no money. I'm such a dork sometimes. Luckily, though, Devin was on his way home from work, so we just had to wait a few minutes and he came and purchased our supplies for us. Thank you, husband. And, can I just say that the dollar store had some pretty awesome stuff for this sort of thing? Yeah...score.
Anyway, Saturday we canned salsa back at Mesha's house (I needed her equipment and Devin's mom's expertise because I can honestly say that I have never canned at thing in my life. Next year I want to do tomatoes and peaches too (Nort I plan on you helping me:) )) Things were a little more chaotic during conference there, but the kids really enjoyed the activities and today while we listened, they were quite the lifesaver, so we will definitely be doing that again!
I loved EVERY bit of conference. It was so needed and so uplifting. I remember as a child just
dreading when conference came around because we sat and listened to every session and I just couldn't sit still that long. Funny how things change, right? Conference is definitely my favorite time of the year and I anticipate it each time. I really, really love the messages that were shared- many spoke hope and comfort directly to my heart. I will be re-listening to some in the coming days and of course re-reading when the Ensign gets here. I just feel such a sense of unity and love during conference time, too, like I am not alone in my beliefs and my convictions to live what I know. Anyway, certainly did not intend to ramble that much about conference, but well, it was just what I needed, so there it is.
Yeah, I am giving Instagram a category of its own. hahaha. My work provided me with a fancy new phone (thanks work) and so I decided to give Instagram a go. Well, sorry to the 5 of you who are following as I am posting multiple pictures per day. I know I am a little late in the game, but it is a lot of fun. Here are some pictures from September for your viewing pleasure and then I will quit with this post, promise.
Hallie's pre-school field trip- nature walk at the park |
love our daily trip to the backyard with the neighbor kids |
Love him. that's all. |
Such a beauty (with crazy hair!) (P.S. Should i be worried that her tooth has not come in yet? I think she lost the other one in March or April! Someone please notify me on this--these mothering questions i have no idea about...) |
Mmmm...coookie |
Hallie made a "bed" on Jace's dresser. I imagine it was very comfortable. |
Going down the slide over and over all by herself! Big girl! |
The end.