October 28, 2012

Witchapaloooooooza 2012

You have all probably figured out that Witchapalooza is one of our official Clark Family Holidays.
Remember This? (2011)
and This? (2010)
AND THIS? (2009)
And THIS? (2008)
 It is something I look forward to literally all year long. This was our 5th year in a row and again, it did not disappoint. Can't express how much I love this family event. What's better than awesome costumes, scary makeup, fudge/caramel apples, window shopping at Gardner Village before the show, taking a million pictures, and a hilariously awesome dinner show? Nothing I tell you. Nothing. This year's show was the best yet. I don't know what it was, but even though it was the same show as last year, the actors this year had an extra dose of awesome-ness.

However, let me back up a tad as I have some non-witchy photos in this post. As a family we made a joint decision to go to Logan the day before the show (Friday) in order to clean Brad's house. He and the kids were headed to Boise to visit his sister, so we thought it would be a good time to help him deep clean a little. We cleaned the house shortly before Linda's death, (seen here) and Linda and Brad appreciated the help a lot. Of course Brad is busy with his four kids, so we thought it would be a good idea to do what we can to help again. The crew gathered Friday and we spent all evening Friday and the morning of Saturday cleaning. You know you have a pretty great family when they can make even cleaning a really fun time.
Looking so good...two days worth of grime...yippee!

Must have: a pose with our cleaning supplies. There are some pretty fabulous faces in this photo, if I do say so myself.
Just an idea of what can happen in the late hours of the evening when everyone is a bit loopy...so the back-story on this is that everyone was talking about the show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" and talking about a particular episode called "Shhhhh, it's a Wig!" Apparently I was the only one there who had not seen this episode as the whole family was quoting it and basically in hysterics over it. We You-tubed it and I got to see some of the episode, which just got everyone rolling further. While watching it, Mari Ann disappeared and then reappeared wearing my Grandma's wig (not sure if that is supposed to be unmentionable). She had snuck into the room where Grandma was sleeping and returned with the wig. Hahahahah. She cracks herself up.

Lookin' snazzy
I also have to say how great my Aunt Angela, Uncle Shawn, and cousins Kenna, Karch, and Logan are. They moved to Logan recently and were willing to take my kids over night so that I could go help, un-distracted, with the cleaning. It was so nice knowing that my kids were in great care and that I could focus on the job at hand. So, thanks Frisbys! The kids had a great time-- Hallie got to stay up until 11 pm for probably the first time in her life, Flor had tons of attention from Kenna (whom she adores), and Jace had an unlimited supply of awesome flavored milk (banana anyone?). Win, win. Devin was working Friday night and Saturday during the day- if you are wondering why he did not just take the children. Poor thing has a pretty steady diet of weekend work. Blech.

Saturday after we finished the last of the cleaning, it was time to get in character. Our witchy characters just seem to get better and better every year. Next year we are going to need a full 12 hours to get ready if we are going to outdo ourselves from this year.
5 girls in front of one mirror...

Jennifer's awesome hair

Carlie and I

Good thing Brad decorates for Halloween-- the cobweb addition to my hair  was courtesy of his front bush. Thanks Brad!

The annual tights photo. I think I am due for a new costume next year-- I am pretty sure I have worn these tights every year since we started dressing up. 

All dressed and ready to go. I know, I know- we are a scary looking bunch of witches.

That red lipstick--whoa... a little much. 

Grandma and two of her girls. Of course we missed Linda so much again and my mom didn't come this year. 

Carlie and her handsome new boyfriend

Us and some woman's rear end. Lovely.
Post-show picture with the hilarious and super talented cast.

 Again, I highly recommend this for anyone in the area. Such entertainment and fun. Just promise me you'll dress up if you go. :)

1 comment:

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

I love how our costumes have gotten progressively more awesome every year. I also love that there are two Neil Diamond T-shirts present in the cleaning pictures. I also love you. And... you better be glad Grandma does not have the internet, my dear, or you would be in HUGE trouble!