*Warning: lots and lots of pictures to follow...I just have a hard time narrowing it down! But, it was such a special day and we want to remember all those who came to support us.
July 26, 2012 was a very special day for our family. This was the day that we had been waiting for for many months- the day that we were able to have Flor sealed to our family for eternity. We chose to have her sealed in the Provo temple and we had a lot of friends and family come from near and far to support us.
We arrived at the Temple at 10:30 am as a family. Hallie and Jace were able to accompany us to the Temple as witnesses to Flor's sealing. We had talked to Hallie a lot and tried to prepare her for the sacredness of the Temple in the weeks prior to the sealing. In the end, when asked what she liked most, she says the toys in the nursery. :) She also enjoyed the beautiful white dress that she got to wear. I hope that she will have some memory of this day as she grows and to remember the sacredness of it.
My mom came with us to help the kids in the nursery and to help hold Flor at the alter while she was sealed. While she went with the kids to get changed in the nursery, Devin and I met with some sweet temple workers to review paperwork and then we also went to change. I got to go into the huge Bride's room, while Devin just got an ordinary dressing room. :) Poor man.
While we waited for the sealing to start (11:30), we sat in an upstairs room and talked to our sealer. He is an incredible man who has adopted two children himself. His daughter, Jenn, is a good friend of mine in our ward, so knowing that she is adopted and that her dad is a sealer on Thursdays, we called in to request him as our sealer. That was a great idea as he was incredible. He shared with Devin and I some of his sacred experiences as he and his wife adopted their children, first Jenn from the United States, and then seven years later, her brother from Guatemala.
As our guests were being led up to the sealing room, our sealer invited us to stand at the doorway and greet them all. I was so overwhelmed to look down the hallway and see the line of people just keep coming and coming. In all, we counted about 65 people at the sealing itself, and then of course add all the children for the luncheon and we had a fair number of people there. Being in the Temple with so many of our loved ones was particularly special. I stood in awe as each passed by and I thought about the role that each of them had played in bringing Flor into our home. We have had so much support-there really are no words to say how grateful we are.
After everyone was seated, the sealer took some time to talk to us all. He again shared some of his family's experiences with adoption and talked about how the sealing covenant would make it so that Flor is entitled to all the blessings associated with the covenant, just as our two biological children are. We got a lot of comments from people after about how wonderful our sealer's comments were.
It was then time for the sealing, and our three adorable kids came into the room, dressed in their white clothes. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful that moment was. My mom accompanied Flor to the alter while Jace sat with Poppy and Hallie sat with Grandma Perry on the side. The sealing is brief, but beautiful. Let's just say that the tears flowed freely.
After the sealing, we took some time to do some pictures outside. We had some of the crowd stay behind for a group shot, but some didn't get the memo. Oh, well. We then headed to our stake center to have Flor's blessing, followed by a luncheon.
Devin gave Flor a beautiful blessing. The most important part that I remember is that he blessed her that she would be patient with us as we learn about her and her needs and how to best help her. I definitely think she has been blessed to be very patient with her sometimes frustrating parents. :)
Anyway, all in all, it was a really special day and one that we won't forget. Thank you again to all who supported us in coming and for all who have been involved in Flor's whole adoption process. I can definitely say that I felt like the most loved person on the planet that day. It was one of the most spiritual and special days of my life.
And now for a hundred pictures:
Just out of the Temple. Don't worry about our black shoes-- they had us just wear our street shoes, which don't match of course. haha. |
Some of the people who were able to make it to the sealing. |
Flor loves Uncle Mikey |

Getting all three kids to cooperate was...interesting. I think there are some pretty cute pictures, though! It was like 100 degrees outside and we were all sweating bullets. |
Beautiful shot of the temple. All of these pictures were graciously taken by my friend Kayla. |
Can you tell the kids were about done at this point? |
Cute, even if Flor isn't looking. Look at Jace's handsome face and his adorable little outfit. |
Luncheon. The masses were hungry at this point. |
Okay, you see all those tables? My sister and I set them up ourselves the night before and it was a joke. A joke...took forever and we ran into issue after issue. I know, we were just setting up tables, but still, it was rough. |
I wish that we had thought to take pictures of Flor with everyone who came BEFORE half of them left. Oh well, we got what we got. This is Flor with my cousin Anneka and her husband Jonny and their cute kids. |
Flor and Grandma Lisa (my mom) |
Flor with Grandma and Grandpa Perry (in case you can't tell). She was sure hamming it up at this point! She sure wasn't doing that at the temple, but I blame it on the heat... |
Uncle Lynn (my uncle. He is crazy, can you tell?) |
Aunt Kirston and kids (Devin's sister. Isn't she gorgeous?) |
Grandma and Poppy |
Uncle Travis (Devin's brother) and Aunt Jenny and two of their kids (the other two were in school--poor things). Can you tell that Uncle Travis is another one of Flor's favorite people ever? |
Aunt Shawna (Devin's sister), Uncle Slava, and kids. We were so happy that they could be at the sealing as they are currently living in Russia. Slava flew in just days before the sealing. We were thrilled that he could make it. |
Aunt Alisa, her girls, and Flor (another of Devin's sisters. I bet you can tell. They are all just so pretty.) |
Aunt Lara, Uncle Mikey (my brother), Brooklyn, and Flor. Thanks to Lara for taking all these pictures at the luncheon. She is the best sister in law a woman could ask for. |
Aunt Jen and Uncle Steve with their girls and Flor. I think one of our biggest supports in this process has come from my sister. We are so grateful as they have stood by us every step of the way. It only made sense that she was the one there helping me set up tables at 10:30 pm the night before the sealing (Devin was at work, lest you worry that he just let us do it ourselves and Steve was at the hotel with the girls so they could sleep.) |
Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Dave (my dad). They also saved the day the night before with the table fiasco as they ran out and got new tablecloths (the ones we had were round and the round tables just were not cooperating..) |
My cousin Shawna, her husband Curt, and their cute kids |
The last of Devin's sisters (except Mesha-- we didn't get a picture of her, darn it) Jana and her husband Karl and their little man Grady. |
Also gorgeous. I want to look just like her when I grow up. |
Three of my best friends in the whole world. Haylee came from Illinois, Anneka from Arizona, and Kylee from Boise and it meant so much to me that they were there. |
And we will end this picture tour with these two beauties, Flor and Aunt Lara. |
Whew. Thanks again to all who shared in Flor's special day. We love you all.