February 8, 2012

Ecuador Day 51

Tuesday February 7th-
Sorry I am a tad bit late on this one.Yesterday was a much better day for Flor and I. I think I just needed a day to cry it out and now we are up and going again. We are resilient & we will be fine!

I woke up and Skyped with Devin through phone-- so no video, since I have the computer here. He let me know that we had a lot of "surprises" waiting for us when we got home. My cousins Sarah and Daniel, plus Devin's sisters and brothers had stocked our fridge, cupboards, and sent meals. I hear that Devin's sister Shawna, currently living in Russia, sent the money to fund the food. We fell so loved and grateful-- even those clear across the world are thinking of us. Thank you all so much; we love you all and are so appreciative.

The second surprise was that my Uncle Lynn had come over and finished our kitchen counter tops and back splash. We have had the counters in for months, but haven't had the back splash done yet. So, what an awesome surprise! One less thing to worry about later! Devin sent pics and it looks so amazing. Now we have our kitchen all the way complete! When I get home, I will have to find the old pictures of the kitchen from when we moved in so that you can see the difference. It is amazing.

The third surprise was a brand new FREEZER that Devin found in our storage room downstairs. Not only that, but it was stocked with 25 freezer meals and ready to go meats. This is a HUGE surprise and something we are so grateful for, since having those meals will be so helpful for Devin and the kids, plus our adjustment when we get Flor home. I know my cousin Che' was the mastermind behind it all-- and honestly when Devin told me it was there, I suspected her right away. It just seemed like something she would put together. I talked to my sister and she confirmed that they all helped put the meals together at my Aunt Sue's house (with my brother Mikey and Che's husband Landon "tasting" for quality control) but that Che' had gone to buy all the supplies, had all the recipes printed and ready to go, etc. What a wonderful gift. Everything. We are so blessed and have felt continuous support from so many people from the time we announced that we were pursuing Flor's adoption (way back in October 2010) clear through now. We have been supported in so many ways- financially, physically, spiritually, emotionally. Honestly we are not lacking for support anywhere and we couldn't be more grateful. We feel so loved and blessed. So again, thank you ALL who have been a part of this journey (that is not over yet! but hopefully will be soon!)
The spiffy completed counters! Wahoo!

Another shot. They look beautiful.

Stocked freezer

And fridge! All the food looks soooo good, I can't even tell you.

And that candy-- kill me now! What I wouldn't give!

Brand new freezer. This has been on our list to buy for sometime. Look at that--So, so so, awesome!

Ready to go food...nothing better!

Alright, back to the day yesterday. I spent the morning just feeling really blessed. Really, there are no words to describe it. Flor and I hung around at the OSSO house, had lunch, and then she had a nap. After that, we decided to take a walk to get to know our new neighborhood a little better. On the way, we found a bakery that just looked delicious, so of course we had to stop. Lucky Flor got some milk and some wheat bread and I got some pop and some little cake ball things that were absolutely delicious. Anyone see anything wrong with this picture? Haha.

Flor and her lovely milk and bread

My treat. yum, yum
After the bakery, we took a walk further down the road to find the old OSSO house- the one where I stayed as a volunteer here. It isn't too far from the new one. It was very nostalgic to walk by there. So many memories. I took a few pictures and stood there staring at it for a time until I saw a man looking at me through a curtain on the top floor. He probably thought I was crazy...so we decided it was time to move on. We found a taxi and headed back home to rest a little before heading out for dinner with the Schinnerers. Tuesday Pizza day you know. It was kind of sad that we only needed one table for all of us, instead of pushing two together. Our numbers are dwindling here. Flor and I got back home late, so I got her to bed and the Skyped with Devin and kids again. He was able to actually skype with video now as my cousin Carlie came over and left her computer with him. She is going out of town until Sunday and so was kind enough to let him use it. How sweet is that! Seeing the kids was fun, but also a little bit sad. I only cried a little, when Hallie said "Okay mom, can you find an airplane and come home now? I think you can fit!" (Before she kept telling me that I wouldn't fit in the airplane. I think she regrets saying that now, seeing as I really didn't come home with them!)

OSSO house of years ago.
Also, here are a few pictures that I wanted to keep with the official trip record from when everyone got together to make the meals for us. Looks like a crazy mess, but oh so fun!

Oh, and one last picture of Jacers when Devin took him to the doctor yesterday. He now has a big boy car seat because Devin said that he was way too huge for his baby carrier. I guess he grew a lot while we were here! And, just for the record, the doctor checked him over completely and said that he is just fine, so yay for that. It may or may not have been the antibiotic that we gave him...ha ha! But, I am just glad he is fine.


jastalfam said...

wow, you have such a great family! no surprises there though since you guys are so great! hope you get to go home SOON!!!

suedawg said...

We had the best time cooking for your family ....Judd decided that they were real good and would like it if I would cook some for him.....um not! We had ice-cream cake for my birthday and got to kiss on Brooklyn and enjoy everyone....We missed you but know you will be home soon,and we can do it again ;) I am so GRATEFUL for our family and the closeness we share.. I can't imagine it any other way ....And Linda was with us in spirit! Brad also donated to the cause. We love you and are so excited to welcome Flor into this MESS!