February 13, 2012

Ecuador Days 56 and 57

Sunday, February 12-

Sunday was another slow day. Flor and I went to church in the morning, which was great except for the fact that she was super cranky. She must not have gotten enough sleep as she threw more than one back-arching, arms flailing fit. Fun for me. We made it through Sacrament Meeting just fine, but Sunday School was when she really started to act out. It's more disruptive when there are only 6 people in the class (It's an English speaking class taught by the senior missionaries). The mission president and his wife were there and and shortly after our introduction, Flor threw her first massive fit, so we quickly exited the room. I am sure they were all mighty impressed by my mothering skills, based on her behavior. :) All kids have naughty moments, right?  So, Flor and I spent most of the hour walking the halls. She was better during Relief Society, but then started throwing a fit again near the end, so we just left and came home so she could go to bed. She took a long nap and woke up happier, so that was a good thing.

The afternoon passed slowly. We had dinner with the volunteers and the Chicaizas, who had cooked. Betty (the cook) has Sundays off, so each Sunday two people are assigned dinner and yesterday was Angel and Jenny's turn. It was fun to talk to them for a while and reminisce as I haven't seen too much of them. They are super busy these days and not around with the volunteers as often as they were when I was here. So, I enjoyed the time spent with them.

Other than that, nothing too exciting to report from yesterday. There is a lot of down time here as Flor and I don't go a lot of places (other than walks) without other people and because we have already been to the main sites in the city when Devin and the other kids were here. I have read two books so far and I am sure I will read a few more before our time is up here.

Monday, February 13-
This morning I had an email from MJ saying that she was going to come over at 12 noon to discuss the week with me. Well, guess what? We sat around all day and she never showed up. Surprise, surprise. I won't continue because if I did, I may say some really not-nice things.

So, the day consisted of sitting around, sitting around, taking a short walk, and sitting around. We did finally manage to make cookies this afternoon and that was fun.

I just got an email a while ago from MJ saying that she was oh-so-sorry that she didn't come over, she got a headache and went home. Really? REALLY??? A phone call would have been nice. Or, how about answering my calls, the 3 times I called you? She outlined the week in the email and said that we will go Thursday to start the process here, then finish Friday. Then, she said I can probably fly to Guayaquil on Thursday next week. THURSDAY NEXT WEEK???? We got word today that INFA is doing away with their report (which is great news), so the reason for the delay to get to Guayaquil? I have no idea. No one will give me a straight answer on that. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I can't even tell you how depressed I feel about being here two more weeks. And that is if the judge decides to be nice and sign our salida to get us out right away. I feel so desperately hopeless and helpless.

Devin said that Jace hasn't been feeling well again and has been super cranky. I need to be there for my baby and I can't stand the idea of being away from him another two weeks. I miss them all so much. If things go exactly as MJ has planned, she thinks we can come home the  24th or 25th. Well, if things don't go as planned or if the judge decides to continue being a jerk, it is possible that I will miss Jace's birthday. I will freak out if that happens. Someone get me a spot in the mental hospital right now.

I'm going to stop now because this is just going to spiral downward if I continue (as if it hasn't already) and no one wants that.

Thank you, agency, for giving us the false hope that 5 weeks would suffice in country. Try doubling that- today marks 8 weeks since we arrived.

A few pictures from our walk today:
The OSSO house from outside and down the street

This park is down the street from where we are and has a nice overlook to the valley and hills there

Another view


Rebecca said...
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Rebecca said...
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Jen said...

I'm at a loss for words. So sorry about all of the bad news. I can't imagine how hard it is for you. I wish I could do something for you, but know that we are praying for you. Love ya!

V Lee said...

Kim-- I love how you are not sugar coating things. That news is super depressing. I'll just pray for you that you can make it home for Jacer (not to mention everyone else, including you, but really, he's a baby)! If nothing else, they should have been sympathetic that way. I guess the only good news is that it WILL END! Soon, not soon enough, but it will. Hope things look brighter SOON! Good thing you are such a fighter Kim! Thanks for sharing!
-Heidi (I'm posting under Vance's account)

Shawna said...

oh kimmie, I think you have had it all... They have left you in limbo a little too long. We are all praying hard for a fast return to civilization and for little Jace to get feeling better!