November 9, 2011


Meet our sweet little girl. Her name is Maria Florinda, but she goes by Flor.

Sorry this is blurry--but when I was there working, we were only allowed to take one group picture at the end of our 3 months. This is cropped from the group photo. This is the only photo I have of Flor from my entire time there. But, I think it's pretty sweet.

Not a baby anymore, but that's still my girl! I haven't seen her since she was about a year and half old. This picture is from May of this year, but is one of the most recent ones I have.

Well, there you have it. I am so happy that I don't have to refer to her as "MF" anymore. Some people think that is her name, I'm pretty sure.

We filled out our DS-230 form today, which starts the visa process for her. It was interesting as we got to choose what we will have her name be. Devin and I had a discussion about it and in the end decided that we would keep her name exactly as it is and add Perry. She has been who she is for almost seven years and we don't want to change that. That means she will have 5 names (She currently has two last names as that is custom in Ecuador, so those will become her middle names.)

Moving along in the process! Continued prayers are appreciated.

(P.S. Did any of you notice in Hallie's video that when I ask her who is in her family, she says "Flor and Jesus!"? Ha ha!)


Beth and Jason said...

She has gotten so big!! Oh my gosh!! So happy that all is working out. I am so happy for all of you.

marc and becky said...

I cant believe how big she is. And SO beautiful!!!!! Kim you guys are so awesome! I love it! Im so happy for you!

The Standrings said...

i'm so happy for you guys. and i think it's so admirable that you guys are doing this for Flor.

hayleemj said...

YAH!!!! She really is adorable and you guys are going to be the best parents for her! I'm so happy for you and for sweet little Flor.
Prayers are continuing for you...

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

WOW! She has grown so much!!! So excited for you guys!!! I can't wait till she is here with you! She is one lucky little girl to be able to have some great parents like you and Devin!!!!

Prayers are being sent your way! :)

amy said...

Kim, look at how she is looking at you in the first photo! She KNOWS you're her mama. Sweet girl. Love you lots.

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

And she is adorable! I can't wait to meet the newest member of your family. You are going to be a super mom if you aren't already. You were born for this! You can do it!

Jackie said...

Hooray for Flor Perry! I can't wait until you can bring her home. Congrats on adding yet another sweet girl to your family.

Shurtliff Family said...

Kim- I have been super touched by all you have said about her. She really IS your child, regarless of who carried and birthed her, there's SO MUCH more to being a mom than that! Some people just don't realize what a mom REALLY is. I know it's a process (and its proven to be slow) she will be in your arms soon! Yay!