November 4, 2011

All Things Hallie

Today is Hallie's 3rd birthday.

Am I really old enough to have a three year old? Apparently I am. I remember vividly the day she came into our lives. She has added so much in the three years since, and yet it seems like she has been with us forever.

This post is going to be an overload of Hallie info, just an FYI. First, a picture overview of her day:
She was thrilled with the flowers that daddy got her. This is all she would tell us that she wanted. At 3? What are we in for?!

She was spoiled by grandma, aunt jen, and carlie. She got all sorts of barbie dolls & equipment. Again I say, at 3??? But yes, she told everyone else apparently that she wanted barbies (she saw Avery get barbies for her birthday when we were in Idaho for spud harvest, so that's where she got the idea.) She also finally got Tangled- I know, practically the last child in America to have it!

(sorry for the low quality of pictures--the phone, ya know...) This dress is CLEARLY a hit. We are going to have to hide it, or I guarantee she will be wearing it all day, every day, and to bed.

She requested Strawberry Shortcake for her cake. yum. This is after we had pizza pie cafe for dinner (she requested Salad...odd, I know...and being the good parents that we are, we convinced her to add pizza to that salad). We had desserts there and she got a free cookie monster because it was her birthday. Yikes on the overload of sugar!

And... I know, everyone's favorite- Some recent Hallie-isms:

* (a little gross for some, maybe) We were coming out of the restaurant tonight and Hallie suddenly stopped and said that she needed to throw up. After a short pause, she announced, "nope! Just a burp!"

*She always greets Jace in the morning with some variation of the following: "Hi cuteness! You are so handsome, buddy!" He will have good self-esteem if she has anything to say about it!

*One day, she had been taking a particularly long time going to the bathroom, so I said something about her needing to hurry up and finish. She replied, "Why? you dancin'?!" (She thought I needed to go...)

*A common phrase in her prayers these days is, "Please help us to be real..." (as opposed to fake? No idea where she got this.)

*One night, we had the following conversation:
Me: Hallie, what do you want for dinner?
H: Chicken nuggets!
Me: Okay, we can make chicken nuggets
H: (disgusted look on her face), No, not you! We will have to get them at a dinner place.

Glad she trusts my cooking...

*Contrasting that, one night when Devin had cooked dinner, she sat down to her meal and said (in her best baby voice) "Ooooooohhhhhh, look at this beautiful meal!"

*While driving one day, we passed a Home Depot and had this conversation:
Hallie: Mom, let's go to Home Depot!
Me: Why?
Hallie: Because I love Home Depot! (this is true, it is probably her favorite store)
Me: We don't need anything at Home Depot honey.
Hallie: Okay, I know. I will have DAD take me to Home Depot. (And she promptly asked him when he got home. He was happy to oblige and made plans to take her the next day. Nice.)

*One day she was dancing around singing, "Shake your booty, shake your booty!" when all the sudden she stopped and asked me, "mom, what does booty mean?" me: "It means bum." Hallie (laughing hysterically): "Oh, that's terrible!"

*While opening all her birthday gifts, with each gift, she would proclaim, "ohhhh, my gosh! ohhhhh my gooooosh", each time getting more pronounced. Haha, the joy of a three year old!

Finally, A video. I had this idea that I should interview each of my kids on their birthday and ask them the same questions every year. I think it will be fun for them (and me) to look back on and see how they change over the years! So this is the first one. I should have started when she was two-- though that surely would have been comical. But,at least at this age she pretty much understands the questions and can answer them. enjoy! (sorry it is sideways...I am working on rotating it, but it is taking forever and day. We'll see if I can manage it.)


Paige said...

Love it! Well, now that she's learned everything, tell her to come on over to our work. She's already our social worker in training, right? Happy birthday, Hallie!

Megan said...

I laugh out loud every time I read Hallie-isms. What a cute girl. Can't believe she's three!

Hannah Frank said...

Hahahaha! Hallie-isms crack me up!! I love that she ordered salads. She should have been a counselor at la.

Mari Ann said...

Happy Birthday Hallie!! Love the interview...and the sweater!