May 30, 2011


It's been a while since I have posted videos of the kiddos. So here are a few. Hallie has been very good to help with Jace. She constantly wants to hold him and take care of him as these videos show.

A sweet story: The other day, we were talking about MF with Hallie. I told her where she lives now, but that we would be going to pick her up and that she would be coming to live with us (we have this conversation from time to time). Hallie then said that she would share her dresses, her toys, and her bed with MF. Then she said, "And my mommy will be her mommy? And my daddy will be her daddy?" She comprehends a lot more than we give her credit for sometimes.

*PS. Recognize the outfit in the second video? Yeah, its one of her chosen outfits from her fashionista week. Clearly we had not gotten her ready for the day yet. Also forgive the hair. She is in a phase where she doesn't want "anything in it!"


Jen said...

Glad that your blog is not private anymore. I couldn't watch the first video because it said that it was "private," but I love the second video. Hals is so grown up.

lisa said...

love the videos Kim. Jace and Hallie are cute together.