So I have mentioned before that Hallie is very conscious of what she wears. She changes her clothes so many times a day that we put one of those safety locks on the outside of her door so that she can't go into her room without our help. Because, well, when she does, she comes out wearing something new. (One reason I looked forward to having a boy is I am pretty sure he will not have this habit. Maybe...but hopefully not!)
The best surprise of every night is when I go to check on Hallie before I go to bed because inevitably, she is wearing something really fantastic. I honestly don't know why I even put pajamas on her before bed, because as soon as I shut the door, I know her creative juices get flowing as she tries to come up with the "cutest" outfit she can.
About a week ago, I decided I ought to take a picture of her every morning right when she gets out of bed to document the outfits she comes up with. I am sure she will want to know about this when she is a teenager. So, without further ado, a really incredible week in fashion, according to Hallie. (Sorry about the bad pictures-- she isn't really that cooperative first thing in the morning. Wonder why? Crazy woman chasing her around with a camera before she can even get a bite to eat? That's not even understandable.)
Morning 1: A long sleeve, polka dot top with a pair of brown, polka dot shorts. Polka on Polka. Good choice.
Morning 2: This happy girl is sporting a pair of pink stretch pants (no childhood is complete without stretch pants) and a green, polka dot used-to-be-a-dress-but-now-serves-as-a-shirt top. I sense a polka dot theme, yes?
Morning 3: a long, red, flowing dress up skirt (we won't mention that it is not actually ours and that it was removed from the poor, unsuspecting neighbors' house...aka stolen) paired with a brown and turquoise gem up top.
Morning 4: ("Mom, I am getting sick of this game!") Leopard print dress. Always a classy choice.
Morning 5: The return of the brown and turquoise top, this time paired with a brown, animal print skirt. Can't forget the pink fluffy dog purse, proclaiming that she is a "Princess". Now, whether or not she slept with the purse on her arm as a part of her outfit... I don't know. But, I wouldn't rule it out.
Morning 6: AH! A pair of pajamas! Not the ones she went to bed wearing, mind you, but pajamas none the less. Oh, let's not forget about the one black shoe and one white shoe. Definitely interesting. Hopefully not a new fashion trend.
And the best part of all:
Hallie came out wearing this one day after her middle of the day "quiet time" (read: nap time- though she doesn't actually nap):::::
A Pair of Pajamas! Go figure.
Love the leopard print dress. Although it's actually cheetah print, don't you think? :) She is clearly a cheetah girl at heart.
Hahaha! That is hilarious!!!
hahaha for sure she is little miss fashionista! Maybe she could start picking out clothes for me! I always have the hardest time deciding what to wear.
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