Well, here are the results of the poll:
14 of you think the baby is a girl (35%)
25 of you think the baby is a boy (64%)
(Interestingly enough, these are nearly the same percentages that we got on our first poll with Hallie. 38% thought girl then and 61% thought boy)
Thank you for participating! I always think it is fun to see what other people think. So without further ado...
My Week 19 pregnancy belly. I have such mixed feelings about posting these pictures, but I did it with Hallie, so I think its only fair that I do it with this one too.
So what is it? The baby is a BOY!
We are thrilled. I was so nervous at the ultrasound, I have no idea why. But everything looks healthy and the baby is growing normally at this point. He is breech but has plenty of time to move. He is measuring a bit big for how far along I am...but Devin was a 9 1/2 pound baby, so maybe he will be too (let's hope not!). The due date is March 8 though we are looking to have him come a few days later because we have a hospital insurance policy that kicks in on the 11th. If not, oh well, but it would be nice to have the extra cash. Ask me when I am 9 months along if I still want him to come late and the answer will probably be different!
So...as little bit of my thoughts on the subject of pregnancy. I am not sure how to adequately express myself well on this subject, but I'll try. I didn't want to announce the pregnancy right away because it seems like there are so many miscarriages and people losing their children even past the first trimester for one reason or another. Second, I also want to be sensitive, like I said before, because I know so well that there are many people out there suffering and crying countless tears over their empty wombs and empty arms. I know a lot of these people personally and it has changed my perspective and appreciation of the miracle of carrying a child. I want to be grateful for the blessing that I have, but not come across as "look what I have and you don't" if that makes sense. Anyway, I am very grateful to be welcoming another little spirit into our home. I will post updates periodically as I did with Hallie along with pictures. I thought about not saying much about the pregnancy at all on the blog, but then it would be really weird to all the sudden be posting pictures of the little man when he arrives, right?
Well that's it for now! more later.
HOoray!!! CONGRATS!!!!
i can't even imagine having another child, i'm SO sleep deprived with my 4 week old...
I didn't post much about my pregnancy on our blog, and one day pictures of our little showed up. Congrats again!
Well Kim,
I am sure your baby boy will be tall and smart!
Congratulations Kim!!! That is just so exciting to be welcoming a boy into the family! One of each is going to be great!!! And you are looking as fantastic as ever!!! I love ya girl!!!!
Congrats!! I know what you mean about not wanting to post much about this baby.... I never even mentioned it until I was about 20 weeks along. I am so happy for you though and I can't wait for our babies to best friends like we are!
Congratulations! We love boys. :) You seriously are SO TINY and adorable. Can't wait to see the cute little guy.
Congratulations Kim! I am so happy for you!
Kim, I love your posts and I think you are so aware of others and strengthen myself and everyone else who reads your blog with your faith and just your amazing self! I just want to say that I guess boy (YES!) and am so excited to welcome another Cheetah baby into the pack. You and Devin are wonderful parents and this baby is lucky to have you.
Much love!!
Hooray! How fun! Guess what?! He's due on my birthday; therefore, I think you should name him Ashley. :0) I hope you keep posting lots of pics & telling us all about it. Anyone that knows you knows that you are too sweet, loving, and generous to ever have a "look what I have & you don't" attitude, so I think you have every right to still be excited & let us know all about your new little blessing! Can't wait to meet him!
YAY ! i have been waiting for you to post about the babe! haha I am excited for you!!! And a little BOY!!! yay! how fun is that!!!
By the way you dont even look like you are that far along- i told my sisters you were taht far alog-and they both were like "WHAT? SHES PREGNANT??" haahaa you look great!
Thanks again for what you did when my Grandma passed! My family and i really appreciated it!
Ash! for sure i thought about the baby being born near your birthday, but for some reason I thought yours was on the 9th. Well then, the 8th is even better!!! ashley for a boy, though...that i am not sure about! though i do know a few boy ashleys.
Okay- I'm pretty sure that you got much better pregnancy genes than I did. I looked like a beached whale at 20 weeks and you don't even look pregnant yet. But I'm excited for you to have a boy!! YAY!!
Kim I am so happy for you! How exciting to have a little boy. I also think you are just the nicest person ever. I think it's great to be sensitive about it to others, but I also think you can be sensitive but enjoy it for yourself too. Post lots of pictures and be excited for yourself for this amazing miracle you have! Congrats! You guys deserve it. It's great to have amazing people being blessed with children when there are so many people who don't deserve children.
hahaha boy Ashley's! Love it! I'm sure Ash would be happy to know that you named your son after him! :) You are the bomb.
YAY, we voted correct....probably only because you said you thought it was a boy like 3 days before your ultrasound! CONGRATS
WHAT! I had to double check to make sure I was actually reading your blog. I didn't even know you were pregnant!!! How did I miss that? Congrats! When is your brothers wedding again? Hoping we get to see you.
so excited for you! you are going to love having a girl and a boy! so fun! with hallie's fun personality I can't wait to see what this little boy is going to be like!! You look fabulous and I want you posted all the time about this baby and pregnancy! Enjoy every minute and share it with others even if they can only enjoy your posts vicariously through you. These memories are for posterity!!!.... and I enjoy them too! I love that we are having a wave of boys in the family...first ashley, then me, now you and Anneka and maybe Cara too?? and thank goodness Hals can rock herself now..she needs to get used to doing things on her own before little brother comes:)
Congrats Kim!!
Yay! I'm so happy for you! But 20 weeks? You are tiny! I couldn't even see a bump - I still have a bump from Matthew - actually it's more from when I stopped nursing him, but kept eating alot... yea oops! anyway I'm super happy for you! I wanted to come see you when I was in Utah, but I was only in Provo for a few quick hours for a baby shower - and It was late and I didn't have Matthew. Anyway, sometime I'd love to meet up and see your cute Hallie in person again! Hope all is well, happy you are having a boy and still think the world of you! Love ya!
where is the bump?!? You are tiny girl! I'm so thrilled you are having a boy!
IDK how you stay so tiny! I don't even look like that now and I am not prego whatsoever! Congrats on the boy, so fun to have one of each! For me Jett was ten times easier than Jaide! :)
Yeah that is what I guessed! What do I win? Congratulations guys!! So excited for you!
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