October 12, 2010

Newborn Hallie...Again

Hallie's favorite phrase right now is "I rock a minute!" This means that whichever parent is nearest must stop whatever we are doing to rock with her in her rocking chair. This is fine except for when it is in the middle of the night and she starts wailing "I rock a minute??" in such a sad, sad voice that I can't help but get up and rock her, even though I know that if I leave her alone, she will go back to sleep shortly on her own.

Anyway, imagine her shock and excitement when we got back her old bouncy chair from Devin's sister who has been borrowing it. It was like Christmas! She "rocked a minute" on her own for almost the entire rest of the night that night before bed time. Yesterday, she hauled it out again and did the same thing while watching a movie. It's great! Now she can "rock a minute" whenever she likes and she can do it on her own! I am just hoping that her weight does not exceed the limit on the chair and that it doesn't break. Even though it is pink, it might be nice to have for the next baby.
Hurray for old toys re-emerging into new-found ways to occupy her time!


Abby said...

congrats on a baby BOY! That is great news! Hope all goes well during your pregnancy.
Glad Hals can rock herself now... cute girl.

Paige said...

She's so cute--I couldn't believe how tall she was when I saw her yesterday! We pulled out the car seat yesterday and Natalia had a great time pretending she was a baby again. Looks like we'll be experiencing some regression when this baby comes!

Buzz and Camille said...

hahaha love the comment on hoping her weight doesn't break it. I love her chubby cheeks!

Brady & Ashley said...

Ha ha ha! How cute! I love that she always wants to be rocked...I couldn't resist such a sweet request in the middle of the night either.

Emily Empey said...

haha Mary is the same way! We still have that bouncer out! haha! MAry says "ROCK A BYE" instead of rock a minute! (she says rock a bye because of a song we sing when rocking her- rock a bye dont you cry, we're going to grannys, up the hill hind the mill to see the little lambies! ) hahahaha Hals is sooooo dang cute!