October 5, 2010

Dev's Birthday

I really wanted to do a 25 years of greatness post for Devin too, but unfortunately I wasn't around for his childhood and such, so it would be really hard to recall events from then to write about and he refuses to collaborate with me, so alas, we will just have a standard birthday recap for him. I do have to say though that if I were to write a 25 years of greatness for Dev, it would be pure greatness, none of the sarcastic crap that I had to write about. He is just quality like that.

Anyway, we celebrated Devin's birthday yesterday. He took the day off work, which is such a rare event that it made it special. The morning was pretty standard except that he got to take Hallie to class with him, which is not standard. I went to court to finalize an adoption for another caseworker's couple and while there (while I was on the stand actually) the power went out in the entire building. It was odd. The judge didn't want to proceed in the pitch black (weird huh?), so we postponed for a while. We were in limbo for a while deciding what would happen, so I just went into work and Devin kept Hallie. My co-worker was able to go back to court later with her couple, so it all worked out fine. But I am sure that was a highlight for Dev on his birthday, taking his child to class and all.

That afternoon, we went to the Hee Haw's farm. Our mortgage company rents it out annually for a fun filled family night. Free fun? Sign me up! Highlights included:

Shooting corn out of a cannon...
Pedaling our hearts out on these little tractors (okay Devin pedaling his heart out. I legitimately could not move my machine. I am that weak.)...
Giving up on pedaling and just pushing Hallie around instead...
Big slides...
Mini-mazes (no left turns allowed. Harder than you think)...
. An actual corn maze (do forgive the frizzy hair, I have inherited it from my mom who we affectionately call "poofy spice". It had been raining, which never helps)...
A hay ride complete with costume clad people throwing candy at the kids in the field...
and of course taking stock of said candy in the famous purse.

We came home for dinner and cake & ice cream. Of course we had to open some presents too.
I think Dev is excited about his guitar? I mentioned to my mom that I wanted to get Devin a guitar and she immediately insisted that she and Dave head this up as apparently no one trusts my judgement. Dave takes matters like this VERY seriously and spent days scouring the town trying out every guitar before deciding on the perfect one. We think he did a pretty great job! Sneaking it down here without Devin's knowledge and keeping it hidden from him in our small house was another story, but we succeeded!
All in all, I would say it was a great day. Hallie and I sure love and appreciate all Devin does for us. I don't know how I got so blessed to have a near-perfect husband, but I did and I am grateful. Happy 25th Babe!


Carlie said...

Very sweet post. I especially love the candy stash in her purse. :) Glad Devin had such a great day. He's a good egg.

Buzz and Camille said...

Awww very sweet! Love that you got Settlers of Catan!! That is the bomb dizzle!

Jen said...

Cute pictures! Devin looks really excited about his guitar. And, I love the comment about Poof-spice. I think I inherited a some frizziness also. SAD....

Devin said...

Thanks for the wonderful day hon. Just spending it with you and Hals was treat enough!

lisa said...

Poof spice!!!!!! I thought your hair looked great!! Dev, I love the guitar on you. I love Hallie stuffing the candy in her purse. I think she gets that from Grandma. Nobody better touch my candy.