This past weekend was Relay for Life, which was awesome, except for the fact that I still haven't caught back up from not sleeping at all that night. It was totally worth it at the time and our kareoke was better than ever if I do say so myself, but the lack of sleep has definitely hit me.
I decided to take advantage of the fact that I didn't have to go anywhere today and slept in. Hallie was even agreeable and slept right in with me.
At 9:30 I heard my work phone ringing in the other room and rolled out of bed to go get it as sometimes I get important calls. I was totally groggy and stumbled my way over to it in time to see that it was my boss. I figured I better answer it, so I cleared my throat a few times in order to avoid sounding like I just barely woke up. That didn't work so well.
I croaked out a "hello?" and she said, "Kim! They are waiting for you at court! They need you there right now!"
Granted, I wasn't fully awake, but even if I was, I didn't have the slightest idea of what she was talking about. I totally got the feeling of dread like I had forgotten something really important.
Turns out she left me a message over the weekend that an adoption finalization that was supposed to be on July 30 got moved up to TODAY at 9 am. I was out of town and for some reason didn't get the message, so I had no idea. Horrible.
I threw on a dress, brushed my teeth, woke Hallie up, threw a new diaper and an outfit on her, grabbed a bag of pretzels for her to eat (yes I know, I am a horrible mother. Pretzels for breakfast? They were sitting on the counter and it was convenient), and ran out the door. My boss had told me that I didn't have time to get a babysitter for her and just to take her to court with me. Haha! Right. Since the couple lives out of state, it was just me and the attorney plus the judge, the court reporter, and security man. I am sure that while I was on the stand I could just have the attorney hold on to her while he questioned me. Or, better yet, I am sure I could have asked the judge if she could sit on his lap during the proceedings. Riiiiight!
I frantically made some calls and ended up just taking Hallie into the agency where the secretaries were kind enough to watch her while I was gone. I am sure that worked well...
Anyway, I wasn't the only one who was not informed. Our secretary was also not informed and she has to put together a court packet ahead of time. That wasn't done since she wasn't planning on the finalization being for another few weeks. I just grabbed the entire file and had to sort through it all right there in court. Luckily I had time as the judge had gotten sick of waiting for me and proceeded with the case behind us. We ended up waiting like 45 minutes to even go before the judge but I got to listen to a fascinating case about fraud in the meantime (and by fascinating I mean boooooring).
Let's just say that I am positive that I was the picture of a disaster. No makeup, didn't even touch my hair, my outfit probably didn't match, hauling a huge file with papers flying everywhere, and keeping the judge waiting. Lovely, just lovely. Not my finest moment, but I guess at least I don't fully feel responsible since I didn't know I was supposed to be there!!!
What a way to start the day. It's days like this that I tell myself that my job, as awesome as it is, should really pay me more.
Oh no! I can't wait to hear more tomorrow! Who was the judge? I shudder at the thought of that ever happening to me...I have literally had nightmares about something like that happening!
I agree, where's our raise? So sorry this happened to you! What a nightmare. I was about five minutes late to court once after my car doors were frozen shut and I felt bad enough about that. Nice of them to inform you about the date change. Don't worry about it, it happens. Oh, and when I talked to Marianne, she was having a blast with Hallie!
I bet you are going to have nightmares about that now! Way to get through it though.
I laughed my head off, sorry Kim. What a day!!
That's horrible! I'm glad you got to sleep in though....
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