July 5, 2010


Copying my co-worker Paige, who writes all the funny things her daughter says and does on her blog, I think I will do the same on my blog as Hallie is starting to say more and she has always been funny...so here we go, the 1st edition! (I guess I have been doing this all along, just not naming it this. Thanks Paige for all the great ideas!)

-The other day I asked Hallie what she wants to be when she grows up. Her response? "Naughty!"

-We have been swimming a few times lately and now that is all Hallie wants to do. She wakes up every morning and requests "wimming?" then brings me her swimming suit and swimming diaper. Poor thing thinks she is deprived if we don't get to go every day!
Hallie and her new friend Jerika, the daughter of my friend Heidi. They just moved to town and we are so excited! We went swimming the other day and had a great time.
-Devin taught Hallie to bonk heads with him so now she goes around the house all the time requesting "bonks".

-Hallie has an obsession with shoes still. She goes around the house wearing mine or Devin's shoes nearly all the time. Whatever works right? She calls shoes "shoe-ies" and Devin is already telling her she needs to get a job to start paying for her shoe collection.

-Hallie has really been into singing lately. In addition to the classics "old macdonald" and "abcs" she now is starting to sing parts of church songs. I was kind of shocked the first time I heard her sing part of the tune to "I am a Child of God". She must have learned that in nursery. We started singing "I'm So Glad When Daddy Gets Home" the other day cause we were so excited to have him come home and when he got home she let me sing the whole thing alone until the last word when she chimed in loud and clear (A Great Big) "KISS!"
-We have started having Hallie say the prayer for meals sometimes. We say the words and she will repeat when she wants. But lately, she has started on her own and starts with "blah blah blah, Day..." every time. Probably a sign that we start our prayers with "we are grateful for this day" a little too often?
Not a picture of her praying, but she does enjoy coloring in my scriptures in her spare time too...
-We have taught Hallie who Jesus is, so now she likes to point out any pictures of Him and say "Jesus!" Well, this is all fine and dandy except that I didn't realize that her idea of Jesus would transfer to any man who has long hair. In sacrament meeting last week, she pointed at one of the boys passing the sacrament (who does have long hair) and shouted "Jesus!" Later that week, we were in Costco and she saw another man with long hair, tattoos, the whole bit. She of course goes running down the aisle after him shouting, "Jesus!" Apparently we have a bit more work to do on that...

Gotta love this girl!


Jen said...

I just love that girl! I can't wait to see her soon! The funniest part is that she wants to be "naughty" when she grows up. Only Hals....

Our Family said...

Oh my heck! I love the Jesus story. It made me laugh out loud. What a cutie!

Jessica and Danny said...

Hah! My favorites are definitely the first and the last. She's getting so big!