April 13, 2010

No Fun

Here is a rundown of the last few days in our household:

12 temperature readings
10 higher than 100 degree readings
8 higher than 103 readings
8 doses of Tylenol
4 doses of Motrin
6 frantic phone calls
2 loooooong nights
2 lukewarm baths
1 child who refuses to sleep in her bed
0 naps (for mom, dad, or Hallie)
0 meals eaten (On Hallie's part-except if you count the two bites of cereal for breakfast, one piece of cheese for lunch, etc. You know this is not normal!)
6 more frantic phone calls
847 hours of crying/screaming (okay not that many but it seemed like it)
1 trip to the doctor
1 pee test
1 loooong wait (1 1/2 hours) for the child to produce the needed product (pee)
1 pair of wet pants after said product missed the mark
1 husband laughing hysterically because the pants weren't his
1 diagnosis (UTI)
2 parents relieved to have antibiotics in their hands

...well you get the point. Hallie has been sick. I fear she has my bad genes that are prone to UTI's. No good. I realize that we have been very blessed as she has rarely gotten sick throughout her life. This was crazy because she is so out of her element. I am not complaining because I know so many people have children who are terminally ill or who wish to have children period.

I am simply saying that there is nothing harder than watching your child not feel well and not knowing what you can do to help. Sunday night when she first starting feeling sick, she was so clingy and wanted to be rocked and held all the time. This is so weird for Hallie. I couldn't keep myself from crying because I wanted so badly to take her pain away.

I totally admit that amidst the crying and refusing to eat and being up all night, the thought crossed my mind a few times "I didn't sign up for this!" And then I would have to remind myself, "Yes, you did." I can't expect being a parent to be easy all the time. I can't expect life to go my way every time. I know this is so small scale, but it made me think a little bit about how grateful I am for what I have. I think I will be just that much more aware of the good days and enjoy her for the happiness and laughter that she brings into my life.

You gotta admit, she is pretty funny. Oh and cute. See below.

She's rockin' the roll-o-way glasses courtesy of the dear eye doctor after he so rudely dilated our eyeballs (not Hallie's, just mine and Dev's)
Classic hair-do. She still insists upon this one quite frequently.

Hallie in her Easter dress this past Sunday. She sure looked pretty, but this was the beginning of her yuckiness, therefore, no smile.

Here's to wishing that this too passes quickly!


Anonymous said...

She is so cute. :)

Carlie said...

I am sorry that she is so sick. I hate when she is unhappy. :( Hang in there, hopefully those antibiotics work quickly! Love you guys.

Jen said...

Yay for antibiotics! I'm hoping today is much better for you guys.

Abby said...

ohhh.. so sorry to hear she's sick. IT's miserable when they are sick.

lisa said...

I love the glasses, she looks like a true rock star, and the Easter Dress is great!! I hope she is starting to feel better. It is hard when they are sick. I wonder where you got those bad genes?

Megan said...

Yikes! Sorry to hear things have been so unpleasant around your house. I hope she gets better quickly now that you finally know what is wrong. And, by the way, she looks ridiculously cute in her Easter dress, even without a smile.

AB said...

Poor Hallie! I would be miserable too if I was that sick :( I hope she gets better soon!