April 20, 2010


We have been very busy preparing and planting our garden around here. Let me just say...I am no expert on gardening. In fact, the only experience I have with gardening involves being ordered out to weed the garden for Family Home Evening growing up. I don't even remember planting it or harvesting the vegetables.
Luckily, I have a Devin. Devin is a master at all things garden and all things lawn. He knows what he is doing from years of experience. I am learning.

We have massive amounts of garden space in our backyard, so we took full advantage of it. We planted tons of different vegetables and some strawberries. Oh, and see that tree with the white blossoms? A cherry tree! YUM!!!!

I am excited for the garden to give me something to do this summer. I have decided I need to be outside as often as possible. My next plan is to get a bike and a bike trailer so that Hallie and I can ride around town. Fun, eh?

Anyway, I am pretty sure that our garden will be looking like this in no time:

Ha HA...I wish. I will let you know how it goes though!

(sorry for quite possibly the most boring blog post ever. I just had to share cause it has taken a lot of our time and I am excited for the possibilities of eating nothing but green peppers and tomatoes for dinner! Just kidding, I am sure Devin will not love that....)


Jill said...

Fun! Let me know when you get your bike and we can go together!

Jen said...

I must admit that I am jealous about your garden. I wish I could say that mine was already done. Ha ha..yeah right.

Brady & Ashley said...

How exciting! There is nothing better than home grown fruits & veggies! I also am not a gardener by nature...so I hope you'll just let me come steal some of yours! :)

Crystal said...

WOW! I'm so jealous! Your garden is HUGE!!! we have to do ours in littls pots because the soil here is AWFUL! But there is nothing better than homegrown vegetables - esp tomatoes!!! That's awesome you're doing strawberries too! Hope hallie is feeling better!

The Lindes said...

Oh, I'm so jealous of your house and yard. But I love your garden!

Haylee said...

someday I will have a garden... by then you will be pro green thumb and I will call you with advice because I too know nothing about gardening.

lisa said...

We are going to plant a garden also, Can you believe it?