We had an exciting weekend around here. I have no pictures (until I steal them from others) because I was lazy, but here are the top 10 exciting things that happened around here:
10) We learned a new game. Card Monopoly (is that even what it is called?) and Devin and I won the first two games in a row. We played while Che' and Landon, Carlie, and Mike and Lara were here yesterday for our very own Fam Easter Celebration. So there Idaho Family. Later, Mike and Lara (my brother and his girlfriend) played Devin and I in spades. They were ahead by like 200 the entire game but we came back to beat them. We are so awesome.
9) We dyed eggs with Camille, Kylee, and baby Jayda on Friday. My eggs were highly professional. Camille's were highly HIGHLY professional. She is a perfectionist. Hallie had fun by throwing eggs in dye when I wasn't looking. Good times had by all.
8) Devin and I went to the eye doctor on Friday for the first time in two years. Too bad I didn't check earlier to find out that our insurance covers it 100%. Darn it. The best part? We got our eyes dilated and got to wear these awesome roll-out sunglasses for hours. I had to go into work for a short meeting right after and the first person I saw said, "Whoa! Your eyes are really brown today!" Also, my boss has serious eye issues so the two of us together were a bad combination. Running into things, groping our way around... you get the picture.
7) Hallie got to go swimming on Saturday with Grandma Lisa at the hotel pool. Let's not mention the part where she ran off the edge of the pool into Grandma's supposedly waiting arms and instead fell to the bottom of the pool. Yes, my heart stopped for a second. She came up laughing though, so it was fine. Note to self: Do not let Hallie near any water unless she is wearing a life jacket, arm floaties, and a tube.
6) Easter dinner was fantastic. Che' and Landon brought homemade lasagna which was delightful. Added to that meal the Easter candy, brownies, ice cream, and popcorn later and we sure had a good eating day. Onto the diet today.
5) Home videos. Hours of entertainment I tell you. My mom's constant wearing of this hideous red bathrobe, my sister and I with our combed out perms, our homemade clothes, the numerous plays that we put on....etc. etc. etc. Quality.
4) Saturday night, after the pool incident, Hallie and I went to dinner with my mom and then to the mall to exchange some shorts I had gotten for Devin for Easter. I thought they looked good at the store. Turns out, they were actually man capris (you have to remember that Devin is really tall so they kind of looked like they would be shorts for him. Not quite). Yikes. Devin wasn't having any of that. So our second shopping trip was much more successful because my mom was able to chase Hallie around the racks of clothes while I picked out what I needed instead of having to grab at whatever looks decent but actually turns out to be a huge fashion faux pas for poor Devin.
3) Camille and I made sugar cookies. Instead of baking them, we accidentally broiled them. We didn't figure it out until the last batch. Whoops! They came out flat as a pancake and looking like they were boiling. So much for the pretty Easter colored frosting we had made to put on them. We had to settle for dipping the flat pieces into the frosting. Just FYI, broiled cookies are not as good as baked cookies. Lesson learned. Not as bad as the time we substituted powdered milk for flour on accident one time in high school. That will probably always be the worst we have ever done. But this was still funny.
2) I mentioned it before, but I got to see Kylee and her baby Jayda (who I had never met!). I haven't seen Kylee since November or something ridiculous like that. It was awesome just to spend time with her and Camille and chat. I only wish we could have spent more time together. Boo for that. Oh well, I will take what I can get.
1) General Conference was great as usual. I really look forward to every 6 months when we can hear the prophet and apostles speak. It is so fulfilling for me. I used to really dread conference and now it is the opposite. It is as if I can't get enough. I am excited for the May Ensign to come out now so that I can go back and read the talks again. I think the overall theme for me was being a better parent. I too often give into the excuse that Hallie is young and doesn't know what is going on anyway, so I don't take the time I should to teach her Gospel centered topics. I have new resolutions to do so after listening to conference.