March 29, 2010

Family Time

I thought about writing about the incredibly crazy day Hallie caused around here (it involved pooping in the tub, running around the mall without shoes on because she refused to sit in the stroller and refused to wear her shoes, eating dinner standing up in her high chair because that's the only way she would do it, and pulling enormous amounts of books off the shelves at the library), but she is sleeping peacefully now and it is all forgotten (kind of). What a character.

Instead, let's focus on the happy! Devin's sister Shawna is in town this week, so we got to meet baby Kylie! She is a beaut! Saturday we spent part of the day at Kirston's house visiting with them. Kirston was kind enough to let us just park ourselves at her house and on top of it, she fed us dinner. So nice. Hallie now surely outweighs Ryder. He still feeds her his unwanted food. It works well.

Cole and Kylie. Isn't she pretty? She has the biggest brown eyes. She is such a calm and sweet baby too.

Some of the cousins. Cole, Brelynn, Kylie, Keegan, Hallie, and Ryder. Surprised they all sat still long enough for this picture, but they did!

Brelynn is such a good helper.
Sunday, we had an Easter dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house and then an Easter egg hunt. This is something my family does every year and since we won't be going home, I thought I better just continue the tradition on my own. Of course I put money in half the eggs. That's the way my grandma always did it and there is nothing better then having a sandwich baggie full of nickels, dimes, and the occasional quarter weighing down your pocket.

Pre egg hunt. The kids were excited. Hallie doesn't quite know what is going on yet...

...but she picked it up fast! She was an egg hunting pro. I think its in the genes.

She was so funny. She had to keep her basket on her arm so when she found an egg it was a process to get it off, get the egg into the basket, and get the basket back on her arm. Heaven forbid she let me help her carry the basket or something. She wasn't having any of that.

Ryder and Hallie had their own little patch of grass for their eggs. I think Hallie bullied him a bit, but he did fine for himself!

Hallie finished finding the eggs in her area and quickly headed off to compete with the big kids.

Sure as heck beats sitting home and doing nothing! Happy Easter (coming up) everyone!


Brady & Ashley said...

What a pretty new baby! I want to have her! And I also want to have Hallie...she kills me! I love her little pigtails! And I just want to squeeze those cheeks!

hayleemj said...

haha how cute! You crack me up too... I just love your posts. Hallie is somethin else! I love her!

Jen said...

Ha ha! Hallie sure has a little mind of her own. Wow...she is such a little girl now. She has to do everything on her own. Cute pictures of the easter egg hunt. I'm glad that you continued the tradition!!

Jessica said...

How Fun! I hope that Mason does that well with Easter Egg hunting. He will probably find one egg, open it and eat the candy. Hallie was born just a few days before Mason, He was born Nov. 7 so fun. Glad you found my blog, but it isn't as fun as yours!

The Draper Family said...

Thanks Kim for the fun time, you are the best! The kids had a blast and I loved the candy! :) We are so lucky to have you in our family!

Britt said...

Darling. Happy Easter to you too!

Abby said...

haha, Hallie is so funny. Nice job on the egg hunt. It's weird to see snow on the ground, and at Easter time!

Jaimie said...

I love the money in the eggs too! My stepdad always put change in our eggs an I do it now too. Hallie is way cute! I love her personality, it is the best!!

lisa said...

Good going Hallie!! You did so good. You have to be fast to compete with those big kids. I love all the pictures Kim, you did a good job.

Mike and Kim said...

She is so cute and it makes me excited to have our little girl.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your blog.
Does Kylee have a blog too?

Kim said...

Dear . ,
That looks funny. Ha ha. Yes, Kylee has a blog, but it is private. Email me and I will give you her email address ( I am not sure if she wants me to give out her email on here, so I won't. But then you can email her and ask for an invitation. I don't know who you are based on your name, but I am guessing we know you!