March 1, 2010

More of the Missy

Hallie is really growing up. It is crazy how fast she learns new things. Recently, she has developed some new habits and abilities that are mostly funny. I obviously need to watch myself because she copies everything I do. I found her trying to "sweep" the floor the other day, except she forgot to note that the rug doesn't need to be swept. She also has learned to climb (not something she learned from me, please note.) I was in the bathroom getting ready one morning and came out to find her on the table. ON THE TABLE? Yeah, I was concerned. That is her new favorite thing to do. I can't keep her off the table unless I put the chairs up, think kindergarten style, "Ok class, put your chairs on your desk now!" (please disregard the "ragmuffin look". We have rougher days around here sometimes!) This picture shows nothing, except that she is a cute girl. How's that?

Hallie is really into nodding her head and shaking her head. She is getting to be pretty accurate, its kind of funny. You can also hear her say, "I Love You" in this video after she is prompted. She can say "love" but she often leaves it out and goes straight for "I You!" Gotta love that.
She has also learned how to open and close doors with these type of handles. Oh boy. Such fun. She likes to hide in our room and shut the door and wait for us to find her. She hasn't realized that she can hide in other places yet! It's a pretty fun game for her.
We got to go to the BYU-New Mexico basketball game on Saturday with my dad and Sharon (yeah, they lost.) Hallie insisted upon sitting in her own chair most of the game. Sometimes she would sit on Sharon's lap though. She was mesmerized. She just sat there and clapped basically the whole first half. Then she got bored the second half, and well, let's just say that it wasn't pretty.

It's so crazy to look at her and see a toddler, not so much a baby anymore. I am particularly loving this stage though!


Jen said...

Wow, what a smart girl. I love that she shakes her head yes or no correctly.

Emily Empey said...

that is adorable!! I wish Mary knew how to shake her head correctly! haha She always says no whether she meant yes or no!! haha it is funny- Hals is such a doll! Our babies are growing fast!!

David Strobel said...

go cougars!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh I was laughing so hard watching those videos! I love that she answers your questions right with shaking her head! So stinkin' funny! She is a doll!!!

lisa said...

What a cute grand baby I have!! I wonder where she gets her smarts, and her blue eyes!!