March 20, 2010


Devin and I took Hallie grocery shopping today. Smiths has these nifty carts where the kids get to act like they are driving. A lifesaver, I tell you.

We were out of food so we were buying quite a lot. Hallie sat in her car while Devin and I unloaded the groceries at the checkout. I was almost done when I looked down to see Hallie shoving the last of a package of rolos in her mouth.

Clearly we need to watch our child better. She swiped the candy right off the shelf before our very eyes. Then, knowing that we would normally not allow her to have said candy, she shoved them all in her mouth as quickly as possible in a poor attempt to hide the evidence.

Little did she know, but the evidence was all over her face (not to mention the wrappers in her hand.)

No picture exists of her with the actual candy because, well, she ate it all before I could get out my phone to take pictures (yes, phone pictures, thus the poor quality. Oh and the sun was in the way so I couldn't even really tell what I was taking a picture of.)

Nevertheless, she looks proud of herself, yes?

Devin said that its too bad that she is not just a bit older, cause if she was, he would have made her stay at the store and work it off.

So, let's summarize. My one year old is already a skilled thief and I have a feeling my husband will not be tolerating any infractions in the future.



LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Why does this story not surprise me?

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

haha! I have not ever met Hallie and i knew this was going to happen one day. By previous posts about her. :) Thanks for the laugh!

lisa said...

I loved it!! Good for you Hals!! Give your mom and dad a run for their money. Your mom certainly did. ( I am thinking of the time you were looking in the garbabe cans at Disney World for food, I think you were looking for cookies). Maybe she was hungry.

Jen said...

Ha ha! That is the best story ever! Also, I'm thinking that Winco needs to get some carts like that. Those could really come in handy.

jen and michael said...

Maybe she felt a a sense of entitlement because it was smiths. But cute pictures anyway, she looks so proud of herself!

Megan said...

Hahaha...I love how she is totally pleased with herself.

ashley said...

I love those moments:) We stole a pack of batteries just last week, I returned them of course. At least Hallie took something good!

Mike and Kim said...

All I can say is that I just love that hair of hers. She is too cute

Emily Empey said...

hahahaha that is hilarious!!! Make s me laugh!