April 16, 2009

Spring Cleaning...

Yes, this was a three day event....
Wash all windows, window seals, and blinds: checkWash all walls, ceilings, and baseboards: check

Clean out, wipe down, and reorganize all cupboards and drawers: checkClean under, in, and around all furniture: checkClean out, wipe down, and vacuum behind fridge: check
Reorganize living room: check

Entertain child all the while: CHECK, CHECK, CHECK!! (Do you think we have a hyper child on our hands?!)

PS: Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma S. who sent Hallie an Easter gift:

She loves it!


cortney and neil said...

I hate to say this, but Holy Cow are you Lisa's daughter or what. Can you come do my house next? I love Hals with the money. That is my kind of girl.

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

My gosh?! How do you find motivation to clean a RENTAL in such a way?! All the body goop and mysterious miscellaneous all over makes me too frightened to clean it. As for Hals, I don't know what to say, she is just such a fun little girl. Woah, gettin' to be a novel up in here.

Jen said...

Uh, are you guys for hire? Can I PAY YOU to come to my house and clean? I can't seem to get more than a couple drawers cleaned out per day. At this rate, I'll be spring cleaning when winter rolls around again! P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the video of Hals. What a fun girl!

Paige said...

Uh, I would just pay you to come do my blinds! That's definitely something that gets neglected around here.

Okay, so I was watching the video of Hallie and our dog jumped up, got all excited and started barking and growling! Guess he's not a fan of baby laughter? Hallie is so cute though!!

M. Dahl said...

So that explains all the vacuuming going on up there. I am going to have to echo the earlier comments and say "can we pay you to come down here and clean" although it is probably difficult for Devin to be as effective when he can't stand up straight. Hallie is hilarious. I love her crazy laugh.

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Can you please come to Nevada and spring clean my apartment? It is in dire need of a good scrub! :) But good for you guys... I bet the apartment looks awesome!!! Props to you for the great motivation!!! And Hallie looks so stinkin' cute. I love her big smile!! Love you Kim!! I miss your guts!

The Lindes said...

I love that video of Hallie! Too cute. You've inspired me with your spring cleaning. I've been meaning to do that to our apartment for about 2 years now! Gross.

Emily Empey said...

wow!!! good job! i am not that dedicated to spring cleaning! haha and Hallie is ADORABLE!!! love the video!!!!