April 20, 2009


I was tagged by Kimmy and Megster, so here we go:

A: Addiction ~ Nothing. I am addiction free, thank you.

B: Breakfast (what you eat) ~ Usually cereal. Sometimes eggs, toast, fruit, oatmeal, creme of wheat, pancakes, waffles, french toast, german pancakes, eggs golden rod, or anything else that I feel I want to eat.

C: Chocolate or Chips ~ Chocolate...I guess. I was never a chocolate fan before I got pregnant, but ever since, I kinda like it.

D: Dessert or Appetizers ~ Dessert FOR SURE!! Bring it on!!!

E: Essential Items ~ uh....food, Devin, Hallie

F: Favorite Color ~ Yellow

G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms ~ Gummy Worms for sure. Especially when they are frozen or in ice cream. Yum.

H: Hometown ~ Idaho Falls. I do love it there. If only it weren't so windy...

I: Indulgence ~ Dessert. Need I mention that again?

J: January or July ~ July for sure. Fun holidays, good weather, swimming, parades, parties.

K: Kids ~ If you haven't noticed, the subject of this blog is pretty much my daughter who is adorable and rolly polly and super duper cute and also looks nothing like Devin or myself.

L: Life isn't complete without - Sleep, family, church, nice weather, books, good movies, friendships that last

M: Most exciting memory ~ Um that is a very difficult question. I would have to say my wedding, giving birth, being in Ecuador (the whole thing), sky diving, many funny random things in high school

N: Number of Brothers and Sisters ~ 1 sister, 2 1/2 brothers

O: Oranges or Apples ~ Apples (with peanut butter)

P: Phobias or Fears ~ Death, snakes, reptiles of all sorts, fire burning down my house, electrical outlets when I was a kid were a huge phobia of mine. I used to make my brother Michael plug the vacuum in for me every time.

Q: Quote ~ "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so that I never have to live a day without you." Winnie the Pooh

R: Reading ~ Nothing at the moment, but I do love biographies and true inspirational stories.

S: Summer or Spring ~ both

T: Tag 6 people ~ Ashley H., Emily, Beth H., Jaime the Cheetah, Nataley, and Jennifer my sister

U: Unknown Fact About Me ~ I hate to exercise. Okay everyone knows that

V: Vacation I want to go on ~ I want to go to Philly to see Che, DC to see Camille, and TN to see Hayes this summer!

W: Walking or Running ~ Walking for SURE

X: X-Ray or Ultrasound ~ Ultrasound, I had a few of those once.

Y: Your favorite food ~ Turkey, mashed potatoes, etc.

Z: Zoo or Bowling ~ Bowling, zoos smell.


Devin said...

Just for the record, Kim has an addiction: reality shows!

Cody and Meg said...

You make me laugh! Your posts are always so much more fun than mine. I didn't realize Kim out you on her list, well maybe I did, I just REALLY wanted you to do it. Love you Kimster. Uh comment on V: "To palo alto to see Meg...right?

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

I second the visit Che' comment! In other news... I saw on a billboard that Orem's five guys is open?! Date night with me this week? Let me know! I will hold Halsters formula dispenser ransom until you agree to come!

Mari Ann said...

I also think she has another addiction and the initials are "DC"! Kim is a member of the Clark family.

Mike and Kim said...

Kim you are just so great! I just laugh at you and I love that. I miss hanging out at LA Weight Loss with you, meg and ash and just laughing our heads off!!! I will be there about the 2nd week of June until the end of July. Can't wait!!!

Jen said...

2 and a half brothers??? Who is the half? Clark or Jack? Just kidding. Okay I pretty much knew everything about you, but I didn't know that you had mike plug in the vacuum for you. That's funny!

Paige said...

I was thinking the same thing--2 1/2 brothers? Looks like Devin outed you on the reality shows. :) I'm right there with you. See you at AP/BP!