Isn't it comforting to know that Families are Forever?
April 28, 2009
April 27, 2009
1) We love each other!
I love you babe! I am so thankful to have you in my life and look forward to spending eternity with you by my side.
April 23, 2009
(Mis)Adventures in Babysitting
Let's just start by saying that I am definitely not cut out to be the mother of five. This week Devin and I are staying with his sister Mesha's four boys while she and Aaron are in France (lucky them). So far, we are all alive, so I guess that is a good sign. Today was quite the adventure though. Let me explain.
It all started when my hair was driving me absolutely crazy, so I decided to call my friend Jill to cut it. It was all supposed to work out great. We went to lunch beforehand and then we went to cut my hair. We started the hair at 1:30, which I figured gave us plenty of time before I had to pick up 4 year old Trex at pre-school at 3:15. Devin had dropped him off on his way to work and dropped Hallie off to me at the salon. One sidenote here: Devin brought Hallie and her carseat and nothing else; no bottle, no formula, no diaper, no nothing. So, just to paint the picture. Okay.
So things are going great, my hair is looking great, Jill and I are chatting away, and before I realize it, its 3:15. Oops!! So off I run from Orem to pick up Trex in Lindon with my hair sopping wet. Right after picking up Trex, who was the lone soldier waiting at the preschool, I drove to American Fork to pick up the other three boys who also got out of school at 3:15. Partway there, Hallie is in utter meltdown. She is hungry, tired, and remember we have no food. It is RIGHT then that I got a phone call that I have been waiting for for a week. Yep, exactly when it couldn't have been worse timing. I have been trying to help one of my adoptive couples get adoption assistance funds for their very sick baby and one step is to get the baby on social security. Well, without going too much into it, let's just say that it is a huge mess and I have talked to at least 5 people at the social security office and they all say different things, I have left at least 5 messages for which none had been returned (up until this point), and I was getting really bugged that no one was helping me out. The last time I had spoken to anyone was a week ago. So someone finally decided to call me back right then with some important information. This isn't one of those phone calls that you just ignore. So there I was, trying to have an intelligent conversation with this person on the phone, Hallie is in utter meltdown in the background, Trex is trying to tell me that he wants a cookie, and I am approximately 20 minutes late at this point in picking up the other boys. Yeah, not pretty.
Upon arrival at the older boys' school, I am so late that I have to go in and check them out. It is like serious business to be late at that school. I had to fill out a form, stating my name, who I am picking up, and why was I late? I figured they didn't want the I-was-getting-my-hair-cut-and-got-distracted-then-got-an-important-business-call-that-couldn't-be-ignored drama so I just wrote down "running late". The boys then informed me that they have invited their friend over to play and that his mom was okay with it and left already. Ummmm, what? Oh, and plus, they told his mom that I would be so kind to drop him back home when he is done playing. Okay, apparently I had no choice in that matter. Little friend and I then have the following conversation:
me: Do you know where you live?
him: nope
me: Do you know how to get there from here?
him: nope
me: Do you know your address?
him: I don't know.
GREAT! Well, no time to worry about it then. I had to get back to get my hair cut finished. By the time we made it back to the salon, Hallie had fallen asleep, which was nice. The boys just hung out and had a jolly good time, I am sure. It was pretty quick to finish up, but by then Hallie was awake and screaming bloody murder for want of food. I then ran around Wal-Mart looking for formula and a bottle, any bottle, that I can get to as quickly as possible. Remember that I was dragging Hallie and four, make that five, boys with minds of their own in tow. The checkout lady must have been quite concerned as I was buying formula and bottles with a screaming baby. She was even kind enough to ask, "did you forget her food, dear?" ummm, yeah. After busting open the bottles and formula right there in Wally world, I was off and running again with a somewhat calmed down baby. As we got to the car, to add to my torture, I realized that I did not have the keys in my posession. After a quick command for everyone to stand touching the car, I ran back in and luckily found them inside. THAT was a stressful moment! (Ok, wait, the whole experience was stressful!)
It was then time to find little friend's home and drop him off. I am sure that was such a fun play date for him. Luckily he had recalled his address, and it is in the grid system, so it couldn't be that hard to find, right? Wrong. We drove around for approximately 45 minutes looking for his house. The system was so messed up. He didn't know where we were going, I surely didn't know where we were going, and the boys had no idea either. Fun. We finally found it and got home in time for dinner a half hour late.
That is all for today's adventure. Stay tuned for more adventures (some fun ones too! I actually have some cute pictures to post, but that will have to come another day.)
I'm ready for bed.
P.S. Conversations like this make it all worth it:
7 year old Trey (while playing with Hallie): I love babies. I miss having them around the house.
me: Well, you will have to talk to your mom about that.
him: We haven't had a new baby in our house for a long time. (pause) Maybe they will have one in Paris and bring it home!
April 20, 2009
A: Addiction ~ Nothing. I am addiction free, thank you.
B: Breakfast (what you eat) ~ Usually cereal. Sometimes eggs, toast, fruit, oatmeal, creme of wheat, pancakes, waffles, french toast, german pancakes, eggs golden rod, or anything else that I feel I want to eat.
C: Chocolate or Chips ~ Chocolate...I guess. I was never a chocolate fan before I got pregnant, but ever since, I kinda like it.
D: Dessert or Appetizers ~ Dessert FOR SURE!! Bring it on!!!
E: Essential Items ~, Devin, Hallie
F: Favorite Color ~ Yellow
G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms ~ Gummy Worms for sure. Especially when they are frozen or in ice cream. Yum.
H: Hometown ~ Idaho Falls. I do love it there. If only it weren't so windy...
I: Indulgence ~ Dessert. Need I mention that again?
J: January or July ~ July for sure. Fun holidays, good weather, swimming, parades, parties.
K: Kids ~ If you haven't noticed, the subject of this blog is pretty much my daughter who is adorable and rolly polly and super duper cute and also looks nothing like Devin or myself.
L: Life isn't complete without - Sleep, family, church, nice weather, books, good movies, friendships that last
M: Most exciting memory ~ Um that is a very difficult question. I would have to say my wedding, giving birth, being in Ecuador (the whole thing), sky diving, many funny random things in high school
N: Number of Brothers and Sisters ~ 1 sister, 2 1/2 brothers
O: Oranges or Apples ~ Apples (with peanut butter)
P: Phobias or Fears ~ Death, snakes, reptiles of all sorts, fire burning down my house, electrical outlets when I was a kid were a huge phobia of mine. I used to make my brother Michael plug the vacuum in for me every time.
Q: Quote ~ "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so that I never have to live a day without you." Winnie the Pooh
R: Reading ~ Nothing at the moment, but I do love biographies and true inspirational stories.
S: Summer or Spring ~ both
T: Tag 6 people ~ Ashley H., Emily, Beth H., Jaime the Cheetah, Nataley, and Jennifer my sister
U: Unknown Fact About Me ~ I hate to exercise. Okay everyone knows that
V: Vacation I want to go on ~ I want to go to Philly to see Che, DC to see Camille, and TN to see Hayes this summer!
W: Walking or Running ~ Walking for SURE
X: X-Ray or Ultrasound ~ Ultrasound, I had a few of those once.
Y: Your favorite food ~ Turkey, mashed potatoes, etc.
Z: Zoo or Bowling ~ Bowling, zoos smell.
April 16, 2009
Spring Cleaning...
Reorganize living room: check
She loves it!
April 12, 2009
PACKED weekend
Anniversary Celebration:
Our anniversary is not actually until the 26th, but at that point we will be staying with Devin's sister Mesha's four boys while Mesha and Aaron get to go on vacation. So we took an early get away to celebrate our wonderful 2 years of marriage. I am sure I will post more on our actual anniversary, but let's just say that Devin is a fantastic husband and I am so lucky to have him.
Devin's "who in the heck knows what this is supposed to mean" look. Ha ha! He is funny. He was a really good sport. We are speed shoppers, in and out, get what you need and done. We got some great deals, so we were happy. The one I am most proud of is that I got a pea coat (I have needed one forever...) that was originally $200 but we got it for $35. Yay for Easter sales.
Who knows why, but Ky and Camille felt the urge to take pictures with their feet and the finished products. Don't worry, we disinfected the table. Kylee's egg is covering Hallie's head. How rude. I really enjoyed the short time we got to spend together, though I wish it were more.
We also had Che' and Landon over for dinnner. We had some delicious (yet peppery) roast that Landon made, Chicken Courd-on-bleu (yeah we are carnivores, so what?), potatoes and cauliflower. Che' also made a fruit pizza for dessert, which we promptly ate ALL of. Yikes. We played a great round of spades; Devin and I lost terribly. Oh well, there is always next time. Sorry no pictures of dinner, I forgot to take any. But by this point, you are probably really dedicated if you are still even reading this post. Let's hear a big Hallelujah for it coming to an end! Ok, that is it. I am done. Finito. No mas.
April 8, 2009
Occupying My Time
Click here to go see for yourself.
I am just so happy right now. Life is fantastic. I had an all day training today with other agencies and their caseworkers and I left just feeling so UPLIFTED and so FULFILLED. By the way, a BIG FAT thanks to Kirston and Kassie who helped watch the Hals. What lifesavers. I am sure she enjoyed her time playing with Ryder and Calvin. Back to what I was saying...Here is the problem with happiness. Do you ever feel guilty about being happy when others around you are not? I do. Although I know everyone goes through trials and my time has come and will come again, I still feel bad when my life is going so well and others around me are suffering. Ah...anyway, I try to do what I can to be supportive of those hurting, but at the same time I have to tell myself that it is okay for me to be happy too. I got this fantastic reminder from my mother-in-law today via email. I pretty much cried after reading this sweet story:
A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock , with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.
As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.
'I love it,' he stated with the enthusiasm ofan eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.
'Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room; just wait.'
'That doesn't have anything to do with it,' he replied...
' Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. 'It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do.
Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away. Just for this time in my life.
Isn't that so sweet?
Also, for good measure, a picture of the Cheetahs and I at dinner this week. We went to Cafe Rio and you KNOW I love that.
Jaime, me, Jessica, Cassie, and Amy. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these girls.
Isn't it so nice to have good friends? I think having great friends is a wonderful blessing. I enjoy and appreciate all the many friends that I have. So yes, to summarize this somewhat rambling post, life is good!
Oh, and I can't forget to say that I got this PINK LEMONADE award from my BF Haylee, for blogs that are positive and filled with hope! YAY!! How loving and kind.