February 6, 2009

What a Physique!

This post is dedicated to my cousin Che'- who so kindly babysits Hallie for Devin and I every Friday afternoon. Che' loves Hallie's chubby body, and who wouldn't? Check it out.

All I have to say is, Hallie better enjoy it while it lasts. This is probably the only time in her life that people will think chub is "cute."


LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

WOAH!! I don't know what to say... besides being the cutest thing I have ever seen, Hals looks mighty uncomfortable! Ha Ha! I can't quit laughing... might be time to go a size up in dipes?

Ashleigh said...

Oh that makes me laugh. You are the funniest and she is the cutest!!

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

as hard as it is to believe... I have seen bigger! Chub is definitely cute! I just went down a few posts and reviewed your random list. Very good! Some of them brought back good memories. I hope life for you is going good. miss ya like crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

SOOOO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you call her Thunder Thighs??? Word of advice--don't. It will haunt her for years. ;)

Shurtliff Family said...

That is hilarious! I LOVE the chubs! It's so true, thunder thights like that only look good when they are that tiny, so why not live it up now?!

My favorite is that you posted the pictures Kim! How could you not share the goodness?!

Shawna said...

haha!! those are huge thighs!! cute!

Emily Empey said...

hahaha I LOVE IT!!!! Sorry i didn't reply on face book- I forgot that i had left it up!
I have a new phone number-- so call me or text me or email me!!!

Mike and Kim said...

That is hilarious! She is adorable, chubby babies are just the cutest!

nataley said...

Ok that post made me laugh! I love her little rolls!

Cody and Meg said...

You think she is chubby? I think she's looking real good. If you are really concerned I know of a great diet called LA Weight loss. BLAHHHH