February 16, 2009

It's crazy what three months will do to ya...

If that isn't the cutest thing you have ever seen, go here to see more pictures of my brand new niece, Sadie! She was born today, 10 days early to my sister Jennifer and her husband Chris. I was in Idaho Falls this weekend to see my best friend, Haylee, who was in town from Tennessee. I left Friday morning and came back Sunday night, only to hear this morning (monday) that my sister was in labor! So Dev and I drove up there again this morning and back this evening. I have certainly had enough of that drive! But Sadie was surely worth the drive...


LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

SO adorable! I cannot believe how big Hals has gotten. It's weird to see the size difference! We should somehow medically stunt Hal's growth so she can stay this way forever :)

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

What a great sister and friend you are! I am jealous I wasn't one of the lucky ones who got to see you. The Lord will bless you and your tired bones for all that driving! I am sure Jen appreciates it. When she is better make sure she writes her labor story... I love hearing those grimy details. You would think that i enjoy reliving those horror moments =) PS those cousins are just about as cute as our pictures as kids (haha okay they are WAY cuter!!).

Emily Empey said...

How adorable!!! Sadie is adorable! Thats awesome that you were able to be there!! I bet Halls was done with that drive! Congrats to Jen!

hayleemj said...

OH man, I am sorry you had to make the drive again! If only she could have timed that better! :) It was so fun to see you though!! I loved loved loved it. Congrats to Jen and Chris. Sadie is adorable (and now we both have neices named Sadie).

cortney and neil said...

They look so cute together. I wonder how long it will take for them to figure out how to rat thier hair, and drive thier aunts mad.

Christina said...

Hallie looks so cute with her flower hair band! I sympathize with the driving thing. I was surprised at how difficult at times it can be to drive with a little one. Good for you!

Mike and Kim said...

That is so cute! I can't believe how fast babies grow in the first year of their life.

The Lindes said...

Hallie is so cute in that picture! She really has gotten big...fast!