We lined the kids up to take pictures with them. Since Hallie can't sit up on her own yet, Mary was propping her up. Their cuddling was quite cute. (Oh PS. Mary is 3 months older than Hallie and she and Hallie weigh the same amount!! Oh dear...)

All the kiddos. Jackson (Haylee's son), Hallie, Mary (Emily's daughter), and Jerika (Heidi's daughter).
Hallie met her future husband, Jackson. Can you tell it is love at first sight? (Thanks Hay for the cute pictures!)
Here we all are: Emily, Jill, Heidi, me, and Hay.
Secondly, Hallie is growing up so fast it is crazy! I told Devin yesterday that we better start referring to her as a toddler soon. I am just kidding, but she has seriously changed so much, it's like she isn't my little baby anymore. We are now playing in this thing, which I thought of as a big baby toy.

She prefers to either sit or stand now. It is funny. If she is laying down, she will pull herself up as far as she can to indicate that she wants to sit up. It's like she is doing sit ups. She is one strong girl. I will try to get a picture of it sometime.

Also, she has been sleeping like a champ! Last night she slept 12.5 hours straight! It was crazy. I ran in there this morning fearing the worst, but nope, she was just sleeping away. Just a while ago too, I was sitting paying the bills and she was sitting on my lap. I looked down and she was OUT! Just so you know, that NEVER happens, not once in her life has she ever just fallen asleep. She is more like one of those babies who has to be patting, rocked, rubbed, swung, vibrated, etc. to even fall asleep. We will cross our fingers that she is turning over a new leaf!
Anyway enough of Hallie. The third thing is that Jennifer and Chris are experiencing some very difficult things right now. I wanted to ask you all to pray for them. You can read more about it on my sister's blog, but Chris' doctor called the day that Jennifer got home from the hospital with the new baby to let her know that he thinks it is best to stop Chris' cancer treatments. Chris has been such a trooper and has been through so much in the year and a half since he was re-diagnosed with his brain tumor. He has held on for so long and has been such a great person and example through it all. However, he has come to a point where he has little quality of life left. I just want what is best for him. I hope that you can all remember them in your prayers. I will be going up again this weekend to spend time with them. Thanks for bearing with me for this long post!
Wow, quite the update! I can't believe hallies beautiful blue eyes!! they are amazing... no wonder Jackson was so infatuated with that beauty! The get together was awesome!! I loved it!
That is great Hallie is such a good night sleeper... Jackson has relapsed... he is waking up earlier and earlier all the time now (anytime before 7am is torture for me... and lets just say I've been tortured a lot lately!!)
I am sooooo sorry to hear about Jen. I feel so bad for her, I really don't know how she has the strength to do all that she is doing. I will most definitly keep them in my prayers, and pray for the best for their family.
I love you dear BF!!
Oh that was such a great get together!! Hallie is so sweet! And getting so big! I miss you guys already!
I am sooooo sooo sorry about Jen and Chris! Chris seems to ba an amazing guy and has taught me a lot and he doesn't even know me! And Jens strength is just so amazing! She is such a saint! I really look up to them! and i really want your family to know that if you guys need ANYTHING please call me!! When your up here if you want to come to my house come one over i will make more cookie dough!! so please call!!! Love ya Kimmie and Jen and Chris and your whole family will be in my prayers!!
Hey Kimster! Hallie's cheeks are the best! I can't wait to meet her. Cody has a recruiting event in Provo next month and I might be coming with him! So we need to get together! By the way, you are Kim S. ha ha ha I always forget. :)
Loved the pictures of Halls she is is getting so big. She is one cute girl.
I love Hallie's chubby cheeks! So cute!
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