This weekend we had a lot of fun, saw some people we haven't seen for a while, and had some visitors. On Friday night, Devin and I met my cousin Che'Lyn and her husband Landon in Salt Lake for the Jazz game. It is pretty pathetic that we live in the same town and we rarely see each other. Anyway, Devin and Landon enjoyed the game and Che' and I enjoyed catching up. (The Jazz beat the Clippers for anyone that cares!)
Saturday I went to work and then skipped my internship because my mom and Kylee were in town! We spent a good bulk of the afternoon at Costco and then did some shopping, went to dinner and just had a good time with them and my Uncle Lynn.
Here Kylee and I are at Lynn's house waiting before we went to dinner. Don't worry, that is a box of chocolates that we ate at least half of! Sick! Today we had everyone over for dinner. I was not quite sure how that was going to work since our apartment is about the size of a pea, but we all fit and we had a good time. Che' and Landon were here as well as my mom and Kylee. We played "Snarf", which is a family favorite game that Angela taught us when we were in New York this summer. Oh is so intense! It is a good game to play with lots of people...gotta thank Angela for teaching it to everyone.It is soooo good to have a fun, relaxing weekend. But, unfortunately, it is time to go back to the real world tomorrow!
crazy new blog the new and everchanging photo of you and Devin. Glad you had a fun weekend! sounds awesome! I am so excited for the upcoming reunion so I can learn to play the new family fav..snarf..snurf..smurf..smirks!haha you are coming to the next family reunion right??? you better be!
I'm liking the new blog background. I think I need you to come up and visit for a weekend and give me a blog tutorial! So glad you had fun with mom, landon, che, and kylee this weekend. Gotta love Snarf! Talk to you soon.
I was just checking out your upper post and thought to myself, "dang I miss kim, I'd really like to go and just hang out with her sometime." THEN i saw this post with you hanging out with Ky and Che and it REALLY made me miss my kim time. We'll need to schedule because I miss my BF.
Oh and random story (sorry this is a novel of a comment) Last night for FHE justin and I were playing a game from a book about how many little things you know about your spouse. We had to pick 20 #'s and I picked 33 because it is kim's fav. number. When we got to #33 the question was, "Who was your spouses best friend growing up!" haha what a good question for #33!!
oh yeah... GO JAZZ! The beat the clippers again yesterday ON THE ROAD! woo hoo! :)
(That comment is for devin!) :)
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