January 13, 2008

Schedule, Shmedule

So this semester is my last one, as I think absolutely everyone is aware of because I am so excited about it. Don't get me wrong, I love school and I have valued my educational experience, but I think I have also done my time here at BYU. This semester, however, is going to really challenge me because I have put off until now both of my civilization credits, which means I am taking Humanities 201 and 202 both!!! Wahoo! Well, it has been a little while since I have taken General Education credits, so I have gotten out of the mode of "busy work". Now, I pretty much am going to be spending the next four months reading a textbook and keeping up on the homework for these classes. I can't wait! :(

After this first week of classes, I was feeling really overwhelmed about everything that I was going to have to do this semester and how I was going to be able to balance my time. As most of you know, I am also working full time (well 32 hours, so pretty close) and doing an internship of 16 hours per week. I have five classes at school, three Social Work classes and then these two dang Humanities. I like to know ahead of time everything that I need to complete and I usually like to have everything mapped out (at least in my mind) of when and where I am going to complete things. But with all the extra humanities stuff that I have to complete, It was all just too overwhelming to me. So.... Devin and I sat down and made schedules of our entire semesters! With a little help from some poster board we bought at Smith's, we are ready to roll! I feel relieved all ready, knowing when and where I am going to get things done. We now have them hanging on the back of our door. They are one month at a time, so we will just switch them out as the months go by. Have a look:

Nerd at heart? YES!!!!

Gotta love it!


Shawna said...

holy cow you are so busy! way to go and get organized! I have faith that you are going to stay on top of things! cute posters.

Jen said...

So I have an exciting announcement to make: (No, I'm not pregnant) I HAVE A BLOG! The address is www.gijenandchris.blogspot.com. No pictures or anything exciting yet, just a bunch of words. Happy blogging everyone!

Emily Empey said...

wow!! kim you are so busy!! you have always been so organized and i bet you will do great this semester!! thanks for the comment on my page i appreciate it!! we will find out the gender in 10 weeks!! around March 21stish!! i am excited!!!!

Haylee said...

Way to be on being organized! I could use some help in that area. You are going to do GREAT this semester and happy graduating this semster too! Wooo Hooo!

Cara said...

that is such a great idea! i have a hard time with scheduling so many things and have been wanting to get some kind of calendar on my fridge but still havent' done it! after reading how much peace of mind you have now, i think i will hop to it and get it done! good luck with this semester! i bet it feels good to almost be done!