My mom actually made us this quilt for our wedding, but we didn't get it until Christmas due to the hard work that it took to complete. My favorite color is yellow so it appeals to me that much more because of the yellow theme it has going on. I just think it is so cute, I thought everyone should see! Devin is modeling it for us, isn't he just such a great model?
That quilt is amazing! What a talented Mom you have!
That is such a beautiful quilt!!! I love the colors and the pattern. Did she quilt it herself or have someone do it? You need to get back to me on that one!
I asked mom to make Chris and I one of those quilts and she refused. So I guess the point of this message is to tell you that you are very lucky! Chris and I are a bit jealous....
I LOVE it!! It is so beautiful. I didn't know your mom quilted. Tell her she did a great job!
haha good job devin, your modeling skills are exceptional! i like the flowers on that quilt its very cute! what a nice mommy!
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