January 20, 2008

Flash Back from the 80's?

My mom got me some fancy new pajamas for Valentine's Day. Don't worry, I know it's not Valentine's Day yet, but since she was here, she left them for me. They are so funny because they totally look like something straight out of the 80's. There are hearts in different colors all over the shirt if you can't tell. This is my best excited 80's pose. haha, just kidding, I don't really know what it is, so that is what I will call it.

Also, here is a picture with Devin in his flood pants. He refused to wear them as floods though, so at least it's something. Capris, floods, same thing, right? What a beautiful model he makes.

Weekend Happenings

This weekend we had a lot of fun, saw some people we haven't seen for a while, and had some visitors. On Friday night, Devin and I met my cousin Che'Lyn and her husband Landon in Salt Lake for the Jazz game. It is pretty pathetic that we live in the same town and we rarely see each other. Anyway, Devin and Landon enjoyed the game and Che' and I enjoyed catching up. (The Jazz beat the Clippers for anyone that cares!)

Saturday I went to work and then skipped my internship because my mom and Kylee were in town! We spent a good bulk of the afternoon at Costco and then did some shopping, went to dinner and just had a good time with them and my Uncle Lynn.

Here Kylee and I are at Lynn's house waiting before we went to dinner. Don't worry, that is a box of chocolates that we ate at least half of! Sick! Today we had everyone over for dinner. I was not quite sure how that was going to work since our apartment is about the size of a pea, but we all fit and we had a good time. Che' and Landon were here as well as my mom and Kylee. We played "Snarf", which is a family favorite game that Angela taught us when we were in New York this summer. Oh my...it is so intense! It is a good game to play with lots of people...gotta thank Angela for teaching it to everyone.

It is soooo good to have a fun, relaxing weekend. But, unfortunately, it is time to go back to the real world tomorrow!

January 18, 2008

Dev's Pants

Thanks to all who voted. It turns out I will be saving Devin's pants to give to Mike when he returns from his mission. I am sure he will be pleased. As he has lost 70 lbs., perhaps they will even fit him too!!

January 13, 2008

Schedule, Shmedule

So this semester is my last one, as I think absolutely everyone is aware of because I am so excited about it. Don't get me wrong, I love school and I have valued my educational experience, but I think I have also done my time here at BYU. This semester, however, is going to really challenge me because I have put off until now both of my civilization credits, which means I am taking Humanities 201 and 202 both!!! Wahoo! Well, it has been a little while since I have taken General Education credits, so I have gotten out of the mode of "busy work". Now, I pretty much am going to be spending the next four months reading a textbook and keeping up on the homework for these classes. I can't wait! :(

After this first week of classes, I was feeling really overwhelmed about everything that I was going to have to do this semester and how I was going to be able to balance my time. As most of you know, I am also working full time (well 32 hours, so pretty close) and doing an internship of 16 hours per week. I have five classes at school, three Social Work classes and then these two dang Humanities. I like to know ahead of time everything that I need to complete and I usually like to have everything mapped out (at least in my mind) of when and where I am going to complete things. But with all the extra humanities stuff that I have to complete, It was all just too overwhelming to me. So.... Devin and I sat down and made schedules of our entire semesters! With a little help from some poster board we bought at Smith's, we are ready to roll! I feel relieved all ready, knowing when and where I am going to get things done. We now have them hanging on the back of our door. They are one month at a time, so we will just switch them out as the months go by. Have a look:

Nerd at heart? YES!!!!

Gotta love it!

Our Cute Quilt

My mom actually made us this quilt for our wedding, but we didn't get it until Christmas due to the hard work that it took to complete. My favorite color is yellow so it appeals to me that much more because of the yellow theme it has going on. I just think it is so cute, I thought everyone should see! Devin is modeling it for us, isn't he just such a great model?

January 6, 2008

CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! (If you so desire, you can hum or sing the song to yourself if it gets you in the mood!)

For New Year's we got to make a quick run home to Idaho to visit our family up there. We had to cram in as much as possible because there are just so many people to see and things to do. In the three days that we were there, we managed to spend time with my mom and her "friend" Dave, my sister Jennifer and her husband Chris, my dad and his wife Sharon, my aunt Angela and her husband Shawn from Colorado as well as their 5 children, my aunt Heidi and her family, Devin's sister Shawna and her husband Slava (who we stayed with) and their two boys, my old roommate and friend Kasie and her husband Scott, and of course my little brother Clark. Whew. We also ran into some of my old high school friends, so catching up with them was fun too.

We also managed to spend $450 at the eye doctor (don't ask) and eat out far too much. Here are a few of the pictures to highlight our fun weekend.
We went bowling one night. I can't say that I am a good bowler, but it was a good time anyway. Here are Chris, Jen, and my mom ready to rock-n-roll.

Devin in action. He definitely beat us all. Oh wait, I was only three points behind. NOT BAD!

Just waiting in between turns.

We also got to open our Christmas presents from my mom and her family. This is one of my favorite gifts that my mom gave me. She makes these calendars online and puts pictures of my childhood and growing up years. They are so cute. We all got one last year and I loved it so much that I asked for one again this year.

Devin got these fancy pajama pants from my Grandma. You can't tell, but they are major floods. Haha, he quickly re-gifted them to me. I can definitely put them to use!