May 27, 2015


Well then. So much for consistent Sunday posts, eh? I have no idea what happened on May 10, but on the 17th I was in California and last Sunday I was called in to work, so at least I have those excuses. Anyway, I'll do a quick recap and try to get back on track this Sunday.

Package update: We officially resent our package today. We have not heard anything about the original package and it has been over a month. Just our luck, that one will probably show up tomorrow just because we barely resent the new one. We had our agency do all of the translations and then it still took some time to gather it all and re-do it, but we figured that it was worth it because maybe the original never will show up. Who knows. This whole thing has just been another major roadblock that has served to damper my spirits, but at the end, I am sure we won't remember all these horrible little details. So, anyway the package was overnighted to our agency and then she will attach the translations and send on to Ecuador. I think she wanted to manage it this time so she makes sure it gets done right. :) Please, please, let this be the last problem....

Kids update: The kids are still in soccer and Hallie will be going for quite a while apparently because a lot of her games have been rained out. The weather has been super rainy, which is great, but it is kind of getting depressing. Jace has one more game I believe. He graduated from preschool today and the kids have one more week of school. How can it be summer already? I am kind of looking forward to it, but kind of not. I like the structure of the school year...

Devin update: I am alive and kicking. That's about it. (Direct quote from Devin)

Kim update: Still as busy as ever. If it's not one job, it's the other. This past week I worked 6 days in a row at the hospital and it was a zoo the whole time. I usually only work two days, so I was maxed out by the time I was done! I got called in twice for traumas in the middle of the night and then last night I was on call again and didn't get called in, but was on the phone for 3 hours dealing with various problems. So not fun. Anyway, there was an experience there at the beginning of the day Thursday that I can't go into details about, obviously, but it was something that hit really close to home and my own personal family deaths that have been traumatic for me. I was the one there to handle it (on a day I normally would not have been working, but a co-worker had traded me). I was really nervous about having to deal with a situation like this, but now that is done, I am so glad I was there. Seems kind of weird to say, but it was really quite healing for me in a way I can't describe. It just reminded me that the Lord is mindful of each of us and has plan for each of our lives. I was worried about my ability to handle this type of situation, but I think it helped me to be forced into it and to know that I can handle it. It was tough and I shed a lot of tears after I left work, but it was really good for me overall. And now that I have been as vague as can be, there you go.

Here are a few pictures of the last few weeks. I went to California last weekend as mentioned and have a whole lotta pictures from that- those may need a few separate posts. You have my permission to ignore them if you so desire. :)

We got Hallie's official dance photos back. TOO CUTE, RIGHT?! (I am not biased at all!)

And a cute bunch of girls. 

My cousin Che' graduated from the U as a new midwife! We are so happy for her. And this is the only picture I have from her graduation. I'm that awesome. 

This was from Mother's Day. The kids and Devin spoiled me. I am one lucky mom to have my three kids. 

Mother's Day again

And this is totally random, but we went to the library one day and Flor kept getting this same book out even after I repeatedly put it back on the shelf. Apparently she is a closet Miley fan?
Wish me luck on updating this Sunday!

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