April 27, 2015

Sunday Post #7 (A week and a day late)

Okay, it's time to catch up. This is why doing it every Sunday is just so much better!

I don't really know what happened the week before last, except that we had some more major drama with our adoption process. Now that some time has passed, I can recap it. We're past it and moving on.

We compiled our addendum and I had it ready to go in an envelope on the piano on Saturday morning. I went off to do a home study and planned on taking it to the post office when I got home. The package was going directly to Ecuador per our agency's request. Anyway, I got home and my kind and sweet husband had mailed the package to help me out. What he didn't know was that we were supposed to send it priority mail and get it there ASAP. He just sent it regular mail without any tracking or anything. I was panicked, and then wrote our agency to tell her, and her response only served to panic me further, so let's just say that Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning were a bit tense around here.

We figured that since the package was dropped off at the end of the business day Saturday that it was probably still at the post office. So, we put of a Facebook post trying to find the post master to see if we could possibly get the package back. Well, we didn't get a hold of him, but through the power of people that know people, we were put in contact with multiple people who work for the post offices around here. They told us that the package would have definitely left the post office that afternoon and would have been on its way to SLC, then likely on a plane to San Francisco by Sunday.

I was sitting in church on Sunday just mad about how everything has gone lately. Everything seems to have gone wrong, am I right, or am I right? I honestly do not remember this kind of opposition with Flor. Anyway, I prayed mightily that morning, telling Heavenly Father that I can't handle any more. It was a lovely attitude, let me tell you. Anyway, I went to church just not feeling it, but then I was sitting in class and felt the spirit tell me again that everything would be okay. Beyond that, I had inspiration strike me-- that all the parts of the package need to be translated and instead of wasting time waiting for the package to arrive and then waiting for it to be translated (which will take some time- it's probably about 30 pages total), we could re-gather the documents pretty easily and then scan and email them to our agency to start the translation process. Then, hopefully the package will arrive by the time the translation is done. We are definitely still praying that the package arrives in record time-- and that it arrives at all  since we can't track it. Those specific prayers are appreciated.

So, while that was rough, we are surviving. Can we just have it easy from here...please, oh, please?

Here are a few pictures from that week:

While working at ORMC one day, we had the fun experience of being locked in our office for a time. The funny thing is that we were ALL in the office for the one and only time probably for the week. We have vendors bring us lunch every Tuesday, so there we were having lunch, with extra people in the office (vendors, a few NPs, a few others from other departments who like free lunch- who doesn't?). Anyway, we were kind of crammed in and the office has no windows. So, someone goes to leave and the door will not open. We called maintenance to come get us out and they took our sweet time, probably thinking it wasn't that big of a deal. When they finally showed up, they tried to get in a few different ways and nothing worked. They finally told us all to stand back and the next thing we knew, the door was being sawed down. It was quite the funny experience. The only downside was that I had to go to the bathroom pretty much the whole time and knowing that I could not made it that much worse. So, that made for a fun time! Good thing I like my co-workers.

See those saw marks coming on in? 

part of the crowd waiting to escape

We took a few selfies during the experience, because what else do you do when you are locked in the office?

Hals-- I took this pictures just because she's cute.

Flor donated her hair to Locks of Love for the second time! She has such beautiful hair and loves to share it.

Plus she looks so cute with short hair, right?!

Just cute!
Okay, that's that week. Next...

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