April 12, 2015

Sunday Post #6

Well, this has been a good week. Not too busy, but busy enough to still be exciting. The best news is that we got our addendum signed and ready to be sent to the state capital again tomorrow. Yes, another round of apostilling. We could pretty much do this routine in our sleep.

The highlights of the week are as follows:

Devin: He got a new pair of shoes. Yep, that's the most exciting thing I can think of for him.

Hallie: Hals had her first soccer practice and will have her first game next week! 'Bout time we get our kids involved in some extracurriculars, eh? Devin watched the practice and said that she has a bit of work to do on her soccer skills, but hey, it's all about fun, right?

Jace: Jace has been praying every night, on his own accord, mind you, for M. He says, "Please bless that we can say hi to "m" soon. Heavenly Father tell Ecuador that everything is alright." Yep. From the mouths of babes. I hope that prayer ascends far.

Flor: Flor lost a tooth at school, one of her molars. Her teacher is a bit of a worrywart and called me at work because it was bleeding. Yes, that happens. Kind of like last week when Flor got a black eye (no idea how) and she called me to come pick her up 15 minutes before school ended. Okay....since black eyes are contagious and all. Interesting. Anyway, Flor has one less tooth!

Also, Florinda appeared in the newspaper for the second time this year. She is becoming quite famous. I'll attach the scanned article and picture here for memory's sake. It was in the Davis Clipper and showed her getting her new bike.

Me: I made my reality TV debut. Yep. One of my adoptive couples is on a reality television show (not airing yet- it will air next year) and of course the show wants to take the whole adoption angle because it is emotional. So, even though we were done with their interviews, they really wanted me to come down and film one afternoon. So I went and we looked at the baby nursery, checked out their profile and gave them some tips, etc. The director then interviewed me quite extensively in the front yard and asked me the same questions over and over in different ways. It was only after I left that I realized that I am probably going to be edited to sound like a jerk...I am sure they will edit my comments and not include the full thing, but just take the bits and pieces that will go with what they wanted me to say. Oh boy. I actually hope that something more exciting happens (like they get a baby) so that this part can be edited out. Ugh. I don't think TV is my forte. Anyway, it made for a really interesting experience, to say the least!

All of us: My mom and Dave came into town this weekend, so we got to spend some quality time with them. We went swimming at the Little America on Friday night, which brought back great memories of my own childhood and staying there with my Grandma. It hasn't changed, pink carpet and all. Saturday the kids and Devin picked up Grandma while Popp-E took his grandkids fishing. I had two home studies in a row, so I missed out on everything, but the kids went shopping at Station Park with Grandma and then to the Cinderella movie. I didn't know if Jace would like it, but he relayed the entire plot to me over dinner, so apparently he liked it. Anyway, we had a very enjoyable weekend.

I can't think of much more to say. I know. It's a record.

How about a few pictures (and I do mean a few...apparently I did not take very many photos this week):

I think this is pretty self-explanatory, but in case you wonder, here we are swimming :)

Just because he's cute

Florinda in the paper, round 2. :)
Happy Sunday all!

1 comment:

The Cumming Fam said...

Jace's prayer...so sweet! We are praying too! And love that you copied the article in here. Love the pic of Flor!