January 10, 2015

Cousin Pictures

Now that Christmas is over, I can share these darling pictures! Jennifer came up with the idea to get the kids' pictures taken together for our parents' presents. We were skeptical that they would turn out okay with seven children, but we were super impressed! They are ALL so cute! The photographer did an amazing job. We met the rest of the crew up in Idaho Falls at a park the weekend we were up for Emma's blessing. Here's a few: 

So stinkin' cute--too bad Claire has her eyes closed!!

She's getting too big for my liking!

Sweet Florinda Binda. 

wall-worthy. And yes, it's on the wall. :)

Handsome boy!

These two are best friends! And three months apart. Don't mind the height difference...

The winner for the wall and for the grandparents! Love all of these cuties. Still waiting on more boys for Mr. Jacer. :)

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