I finally made it to graduation day. In some ways, the year flew by, and in other ways, it seems like forever ago that I started the program. It was three semesters of schooling, two of which also included my internship. The first semester was probably my favorite- it was the bridge courses for just the advanced standing students, so I got to know a lot of people well because we were all in the same classes, and I had some phenomenal professors. My second semester was okay and my last was okay as well- I chose to have two online classes the last semester so that I only had to go to Salt Lake once a week. There were pros and cons to that decision, but it turned out okay.
To be honest, the program was easier than I expected it to be. I had a lot of homework and papers, but very few quizzes/tests, which I think is normal for an MSW program. I would much rather write a paper than take a test anyway. Don't get me wrong, I definitely put in effort, but I also was able to maintain my life, spend time with my kids & husband, and work. I ended up with a 3.98 GPA. Darn that one A-. :) So that tells you how not-hard it was. I feel like I put much more effort into my Bachelor's program and I only had a 3.5 GPA when I got my Bachelors. Anyway, I am super glad it was only one year because I was totally maxed out after the one year. Ha. Poor people that had to do it in two.
My cousin Carlie also graduated the same day I did and her graduation was right before mine in the same building, so our family all trekked down to support us. My dad and Sharon also came down, which was nice. We went to dinner Thursday night at Tucanos with them (super yummy) and then did the whole graduation shenanigans Friday morning before having a big lunch at Chili's with my mom's side of the family. Carlie works there so she was able to reserve us a back room, so we took our time and were as loud as we wanted. My Uncle Judd was kind enough to buy everyone's lunch too, which was so generous of him. The family all chipped in and got Carlie and I each a new wallet filled with all kinds of gift cards. The best gift ever! I also made out with a bunch of cash. Super awesome family I have. That cash came in handy when we went to San Francisco the next week! More on that later. I sure do love my family.
And now, you know I'm about to post a billion pictures. Here they are:
My whole class. Can you spot me? I was actually quite shocked at how many of them I had never seen before the graduation. Mostly the 2 year students, I think. We just never had any classes together apparently. |
This picture cracks me up. Everyone looking bored stiff, as they should be having to sit through two back to back graduations. |
Oh, look, there I am walking. Thanks to my sister Jen for most of these pictures. Can you believe I wore shoes that tall? Me neither. |
Some of my friends from the program:
Faeiza |
Amber- totally would not have survived the program without this girl. Love her. |
Laura |
Chelsey, Wendy, me, Amber, and Krista |
Right after we walked. Forgive the blurry, but we were excited! |
This was on the SW Facebook page. Just the people that have last names near mine alphabetically. I know Kael on the left, but not the other two and the kid on my right was one of those I had never seen before. Hahahah |
Michelle and Brett |
And, the people who earned this degree with me. Thanks for all the support everyone. I wish I had pictures of my aunts Sue and Mari Ann, too. They were there and they are equally as important to me, but I for some reason got no pictures with them. I also want Dev's family to know how much their support has meant. His parents and sisters helped with our kids throughout the year on multiple occasions when my life was crazy. They are keepers.
Carlie and me. Such a GREAT DAY!! |
Check out those freaky sleeves...whoever invented those, I have no idea. I did keep my phone hidden down one of them during the whole ceremony, so at least it was handy. |
Grandma Sharon with some of the girls. |
My dad and Sharon |
I love my little family! I think Devin really was happy for me, despite what his face might show?? |
Che' and I. She watched my kids every Thursday for the last month and a half or so of school, all while going to school and working herself. Love her. |
My mom and Dave |
My awesome sister |
Grandma and some of her grandgirls |
My Grandma. Both of my Grandmas are incredible examples of me of getting an education all while having and raising kids. This one was a school teacher (kindergarten) for years. I imagine she was probably the best kindergarten teacher ever. My Grandma Shawna taught too, on the college level though. She taught interior design at Ricks (now BYU-Idaho) for a long time and I remember going to her office when I was young and just being in awe of all the material and things she had in there. I'm lucky to have such amazing women for grandmothers. |
That's better honey!! He looks kind of excited here... |
Cort and me at lunch at Chili's |
Landon, Che', Cort and I also at lunch. |
Thanks everyone for your support. I truly have the best family ever. It still feels weird to say that I have a Master's Degree!! But, it feels great because this has been a long time goal of mine. Onward and upward now...
1 comment:
Yeah!! Kim, congrats! You are completely awesome and I am soo proud of you! Still wish we could have come to your graduation. :( BOO! But I think you'll forgive us... :) Love you all!!
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