September 13, 2013


Want to know what it is like to parent a special needs child? (Or at least my special needs child?)

Gross info to come-- just a warning. I was gone to my friend Amy's wedding today and came home to the smell of poop. My kids were with the neighbor girl who has babysat them quite often. She was here from 4-9 so handled dinner, bedtime, etc. 

I went down to check on Flor and found her asleep in her bed, but with nothing on but a shirt. Her diaper was to the side of her bed with poop in it and there was poop EVERYWHERE. On the carpet, on her bedspread, on the sheets, in her hair, in her MOUTH (yes, gross), on the rug, on the dresser, on the looked like she had a hay day and then went to sleep. This has happened before (in fact, two days ago-- similar scenario- she removed her diaper during nap time and pooped on the floor and then ate it and spread it). We have started to put her in zip up jammies and put them on backwards at night as she has a tendency to strip during the night and likes to dig in her diaper/play with herself. So, first and foremost, I am totally frustrated with the pooping and playing scenario and don't know what to do about it. It happened the other day for me during her nap time, so I guess I may need to put her in zip jammies even for naps. Other than that, I don't know how to discourage the playing with poop idea. Even if she poops on the potty (which she does sometimes if we put her on the potty when we can tell she needs to go), she likes to stick her hand in there and play with it. She is about 18 months developmentally, so it makes sense for her developmental age, but I am just SO sick of it! 

I am not so much frustrated by the fact that it happened while the babysitter was here, because clearly it happened when I was home with Flor the other day too, but it makes me feel less like I can ever leave her alone, because let me tell you, cleaning up poop from every surface in her room, plus from her body, mouth, and hair, is the MOST disgusting. Twice in one week has really done me in. 

So, add this post to my list of "Kim is too honest" posts. The reality of parenting Flor is that sometimes (okay a lot of the time). She can be as sweet as can be and such a loving little girl, but she has some behaviors that are repetitive and so hard to deal with sometimes. The most frustrating part for me, I think, is that I cannot communicate with her except for on basic, basic things. Communication is a two way street and both ways are frustrating for me. I want her to be able to tell me why in the world she feels the need to play with and eat poop and I want to be able to explain to her why such things are not good for her or for anyone in the house. 

I know I have said this before, but I will repeat. I have thought long and hard about the difficulties we have faced since we had Flor (which, by the way, we KNEW we would have. We didn't know what specific form they would take, but we knew they would come. I just don't want you all to roll your eyes and go, "yeah, but you asked for this!" Yes, we did, I totally acknowledge that, but I still need to vent sometimes) and I am totally convinced that our particular challenges have almost nothing to do with the fact that she was adopted or even that she was adopted at an older age. I think our challenges come almost entirely from the fact that she has such severe special needs. That challenge is exacerbated by the fact that she was seven when we adopted her, meaning we have no idea of her history or influence on her history. For example, if we had parented her from the time she was a baby and at age two she started pulling hair (one of her favorite tricks), we could have had from age 2 to the present to handle this behavior with consistently telling her "no" and disciplining (time outs). However, as it is, we have only had not-quite-two years of handling this particular behavior and we have no idea how it was handled before, or what has been ruled out as "not working" for trying to eliminate the behavior. However, the core of the issue is that she has special needs and cannot communicate or think like most eight year olds and that we cannot in turn communicate with her. Does any of that make sense? 

BLAH. I totally retire from poop for the REST OF MY LIFE!! You hear that everyone?! Just because I declare it, it means it has to be true. Right. 

On a good note, my neighbor (the mom of the babysitter) came over to help me clean up the carpet and such after I called to ask if the babysitter had noticed anything. She definitely didn't need to do that, but the help was greatly appreciated. Little acts of service (or big in this case) mean a lot. 

September 6, 2013

The New Normal

Someday I might want to remember what this year of grad school was like. Right now, I just want to forget it! But, I thought I would record what our new normal is going to be like this year. Good thing I have such a supportive husband, because none of this would be happening without him. Some really interesting things are happening and have happened that have affirmed to me again and again that NOW is the time that I am supposed to be in school. It's really become apparent that we did the right thing. I will share more later when I can, but I am so glad that there is a loving Heavenly Father who is looking out for us and even though I have looked back and questioned whether or not we made the right decision, I am glad we "stepped into the darkness" and the light has come on.

 From a talk by Boyd K. Packer: Shortly after I was called as a General Authority, I went to Elder Harold B. Lee for counsel. He listened very carefully to my problem and suggested that I see President David O. McKay. President McKay counseled me as to the direction I should go. I was very willing to be obedient but saw no way possible for me to do as he counseled me to do. I returned to Elder Lee and told him that I saw no way to move in the direction I was counseled to go. He said, "The trouble with you is you want to see the end from the beginning." I replied that I would like to see at least a step or two ahead. Then came the lesson of a lifetime: "You must learn to walk to the edge of the light, and then a few steps into the darkness; then the light will appear and show the way before you." Then he quoted these eighteen words from the Book of Mormon: "Dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

I have always loved this story and that quote, "You must learn to walk to the edge of the light, and then a few steps into the darkness; then the light will appear and show the way before you." I have seen it in times past in my life, but now more than ever. I may be like some of you in that I don't feel that I receive personal revelation very often, or at least when I am making decisions it does not feel that I am getting direct answers. However, as time goes on, there are situations like this when I can look back and see that I received answers. It is empowering and beautiful to think about. 

Okay, on with the schedule. I am in my second semester now after completing summer semester. This semester is a bit more (okay a lot more) intense, especially given that I am completing an internship in addition to my classes. This is the current weekly schedule: 

Kim internship from 9-3
Devin work from 4-12

Kim internship from 9-4:30
Devin work from 5-12

Kim internship from 9-3
Devin work from 4-12

Kim on the train at 6:50 
class from 8:30-11:30
break from 11:30-12:20
class from 12:20-3:30
class from 3:40-5:30
class from 5:40-7:30
UGH!!!!! :)
I spend the night at my cousin Che's house as she lives close to the school. Devin is home all day and night with the kids

Kim class from 9:30-11:30
on the train by 12:11 and home by 1:11
Kim to work from 1:20-4 (LDSFS work)
Devin to work from 4-12

Kim to work from 8-11 (LDSFS again)
A little time together-- yay!!!
Devin to work from 4-12 or 5-1

Sundays: ALL day together! YIPPEE!!!!

So, we hardly see each other, but what else is new? Six years of marriage and that has always been the case. I wonder what it will be like to actually spend a lot of time together?? 

So, my days are spent interning/working/schooling, and Devin's days are spent home with the kids. What a trooper. :) His nights are spent working and mine are spent home with the kids/ doing homework. I am really grateful that we have established the pattern of putting our kids to bed at 7 pm each night, because that gives me a few hours each night on my own to get some things done. I really should be reading textbooks right now because I have insane amounts of reading to do each week, but you have to pick and choose, right? I just wrote a 3 page paper, so I am giving myself the rest of the night off, otherwise my brain might explode. I think it is humanly impossible to actually read all of the stuff that the professors assign. So, I just do what I can and hope for the best. 

8 more months till graduation!! Not counting down or anything...

August 2013 InstaSample

And here is August...completely out of order again, but what do you do? :)
Daddy is so nice to sleep on the tramp with the kids. What a champ. I slept nice and cozy inside in my bed, as did Flor because she had school the next day.

First day of pre-school for this cutie. How did she get so old?!

Don't mind my nasty feet in the background. Sometimes you just need to color a good picture. 

St. George for Grandpa Maughan's funeral. We sure had a good time with all the siblings/cousins the night before in the hotel pool!

Jace is coming up with ridiculous excuses to get out of bed these days. This night it was that Mickey needed to blow his nose. 

Playing on the dinosaur bones at the mall....a place you will rarely find me. Glad we got a picture of our one annual time there.

A flashback to our wonderfully curtainy childhood. Yeah, those outfits are sweeeeeet. I know. 

She's just pretty. She had to visit the Instacare after Cole's baptism because she had a really swollen wrist. Xrays came back fine, but her wrist was still swollen for a few more weeks. It was the weirdest thing.

First day of 3rd grade!! She has a brand new teacher, too. I hope Flor isn't giving her too much of a run for her money!

We had a weekend visit from Grandma and Grandpa Strobel and had a good time shopping, swimming, and eating pizza with them!
Bear lake!

Someone else did this a while back of eyes and I loved it. My kids' eyes are one of my favorite features of each of them.

After Grandpa Maughan's funeral. UGH to the child that drew all over the program with this picture....

We tried a new oatmeal-- Amish Baked Oatmeal that was so insanely delicious that I couldn't resist the urge to post a picture of it. So good.

Jace, Jace, Jace. Remember that avoiding bed thing? One night we had a Relief Society Presidency meeting over here and I thought Jace was sleeping the whole time, until an hour later when I walked the ladies outside and Jace was people watching out the window. Such a crazy child. I wonder how often he does this when I assume that he is sleeping?

And again-- you can't tell in this picture, but another sleep delaying tactic Jace has developed is to rearrange his room. His bed is clear across the room and at a different angle than normal here. He also had on his hat and when I walked in and observed everything he had been doing, he said, "I so happy Mom!" How can you be mad at that?

Dirty diet coke. Enough said.

Awww, sweet baby Jovi made it! I love her already. 

These three. Life is never dull I tell ya. 

The girls both had swimming lessons in August. Hallie had a crush on her teacher (She would tell me every day quite dreamily that his name was Austin) and Flor was rather excited to see that her teacher was her PE teacher from school. She had adaptive swim school which meant that it cost twice as much for half the time, but she got one-on-one tailored lessons, so it was great. 

I had a three week break from school in August, which went by WAY too fast. The fist day I had home, I asked Hallie what she wanted to do and she requested riding our bikes to the library. We made it about two blocks and then had to turn around and drive to the library. Let's just say that Flor and Jace together in the buggy is a bad idea. Fighting, lots of fighting. Plus, let's be honest, they are heavy!
Whew! All caught up!

July 2013 InstaSample

I realized that I never posted my July instagram pictures....and I think it is because the site I normally use wouldn't let me download them. I have figured out that I think it was because I made my instagram account I just needed to make it un-private to download the pictures and wah-lah.

So here are some old pictures from July. For my own sake of course. These are completely out of order, but who cares. Sorry for any repeats that have already been posted on the blog.
24th of July at the Playmill in West Yellowstone. yes, please!

And floating the Snake River to Grandma's house. Extra yes please!!

Florinda learning to "float" at the pool! Loving it.

Tribute to Grandpa Maughan the day he died. So sad that we didn't take any pictures the week before when we saw him. 

Neighborhood ice cream social. We have great neighbors!

Sad girl, but we are showing were she lost another tooth!

Uncle Devin and a sad, sad Brylee

Outing in Salt Lake with my good friend Jill. She is such a trooper to put up with me and my kiddos.

Garden progress! YUM!

Two carts were necessary for our 4th of July BBQ prep. Gotta love that.

Remembering a year before when we were sealed. 

homemade donuts by us. Yum.

This appears to be a really random picture, but it has a great story. I will copy and paste here from Instagram so I get it right: Now don't judge and don't bring up the dumpster story (because I know you will be tempted to), but here is the sad mannequin story. Jill and I were walking through Nordstrom when I happened to run into that black empty box back there with the stroller (it was at one point holding a very nicely dressed mannequin). As if in slow motion, the mannequin tipped off and landed face first on the floor. From across the room, another customer shouted, "mannequin down!" (thank you, sir) and two employees came running. As they tried to lift the mannequin off the ground, it snapped in half and left it's poor bum exposed on the floor. I wish I could say that I was appropriately apologetic, but the truth is that I was laughing so hard I was crying. We didn't have the presence of mind to take a picture of the poor, broken mannequin before it was hauled off, but this will do. #addthistomylistofaccomplishments #baddriver #mannequindown! #poorlonelybox #missingitsmannequin #sorrynordstrom #thisisanovel

I love it when I get invited to see sweet little babies sealed to their parents. I got to attend one such sealing in July and it was beautiful. 

Check out those artistic skills! For my play therapy class in the summer, we had to draw a picture of our family of origin and there were two rules: No stick figures and everyone had to be doing something. Lovely, just lovely, I know!

4th of July greatness

Look, Flor is wearing earrings!

Such a poser...

My two girls. Hallie has grown a lot in the past year and Flor, well, she likes to stay the same. :)

Jace is quite the ham-- I remember that this particular day, he got upset with a lady at the store who complimented Hallie's dress, so he said, "shorts, shorts!" over and over to her until she complimented his shorts, too. 

Next up, August.