January 27, 2013

1P36 Deletion Syndrome

I know it's a mouthful, but this is Flor's diagnosis. It is actually the most common chromosomal deletion, which is great because it means that quite a bit of information is available about it. I am going to cover the information we talked about with the genetic counselors this week here, so it may be quite a bit of information, but I think some people, especially family, will want to know what this means for Flor and for us.

What is it? 
Everyone has 23 chromosomes from each parent, for a total of 46. In this syndrome, part of Flor's chromosome 1 (on the short arm portion) has been deleted. Each person with this diagnosis may have a different point where the chromosome broke, but all on the short arm of chromosome 1. According to some research, if the end of the chromosome is the missing part, those children are likely to have more severe symptoms of the syndrome. Flor's deleted portion does include the end of the chromosome. This deletion typically comes out of the blue, with no risk factors and typically no chromosomal abnormalities from either parent.

What are the most common problems associated with this Syndrome? Does Flor have them?
Really, after doing some reading on this and talking to the genetic counselors this past week, I really feel blessed because Flor has very few of the major health problems associated with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome, so far. Of course she has some, and there are a few things that we haven't had checked yet, but she is free from any major problems at this point. Here are some of the medical conditions that are common in 1P36 Deletion Syndrome: 

Heart problems: Heart problems occur in over half of the children with this syndrome. However, Flor visited the cardiologist this past week and is free of any heart concerns at all. Yay!

Hearing problems: Hearing loss affects 2/3 of the people with this syndrome. However, again, we had Flor's hearing checked recently, and she is fine. She hears slightly worse in her left ear, but still in normal range. 

Vision: According to the reports the team from Primary's gave us, about 80% of people with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome have some sort of vision defect. Flor does have a lazy eye that manifests itself mostly when she is upset or really happy, but has no other vision issues. She should see an ophthalmologist annually, as well as the audiologist, as hearing and vision problems can worsen at any time. 

Seizures: While I do know that Flor had some seizures as a baby, we have not seen any evidence of seizures in her time with us. We may need to do more testing here, as she could be having minor seizures (zoning out, blank look) from time to time and we just aren't aware that's what they are. According to the reports, half to 3/4 of the kids with this syndrome have seizures. 

Problems with the spine: Some people with this syndrome have issues with their spines, the most common being kyphosis (forward curve) or scoliosis (sideways curve). Flor had an MRI of her spine recently and we found out that she has something called Syringomyelia, which may require surgery (Neurosurgery consult at the end of February). However, I don't know if this is something related to her 1P36 Deletion Syndrome, or not.

Thyroid issues: The studies indicate that if people with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome have thyroid issues, it is usually hypothyroidism, which I don't think Flor has, given that she eats like a horse and hasn't gained a pound since she has been with us. We do need to get her thyroid tested though, to rule out any problems there.

Weak immune system: Many of the children with this disorder are chronically ill, fighting colds, bugs, the flu...etc. In the year we have had Flor, she has only had one runny nose and no flu as far as we could tell. I think the fact that she was in an orphanage has improved her immune system, as she doesn't seem to get sick, even when the rest of us are. However, one thing the counselors pointed out is that these kids often contract diseases like pneumonia and meningitis. Flor did have meningitis when she was a baby.  

Constipation: This is VERY common as well with these kids, and well, TMI, but YES....Flor most definitely has issues here. But if that's as bad as it gets, given the list above, we will take it. :)

What other things are common for 1P36 Deletion Syndrome?
Developmental Delay: Every child with this syndrome is developmentally delayed in some way, some more significantly than others. 

Delayed speech: According to our report: "Delayed or absent speech has been reported in 98 percent of children....some children use a few words, and a minority of children may develop some complex speech. For many children, receptive language is markedly better than their expressive language skills." The report talks about early interventions and how the children who succeed with speech often had intensive speech therapy starting before age 3. So, while Flor may develop a few words, she has not progressed toward that yet and we recognize that speech will probably not be a part of Flor's life. That said, she is learning sign language and will continue to do so, plus she communicates in many non-verbal ways. As the report said, her receptive language is actually quite good-- she understands much of what we ask her to do and much of simple speech. 

Delayed mobility: Children with 1P36 often follow similar patterns for gross motor skills, first rolling over at around 2 years, sitting without support at over 2 years, and walking at an average of 3 1/2 years. Flor walked at age 6, but I don't know when she reached the other milestones. When I was with her when she was age 1, she was not rolling, sitting, or crawling- typical milestones for a baby her age. Some children do not learn to walk at all.

Difficulty with fine motor skills: Most definitely true for Flor. She has a very difficult time holding a pen, pencil, or crayon for very long and does not know how to use it properly without aid. Having more regular OT should help with these things.

Similar Appearance: There are some distinctive features that most children with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome share, including microcephaly (small head), large, rounded forehead, a small pointed chin, low set and unusually formed ears, eyes set in well defined sockets, and a flat nasal bridge. Flor has most of these.

Small size: Some, but not all, of the children with the disorder are very small for their age. Uh, yes. If you have ever seen Flor, she looks more like a 4 year old than an 8 year old. Small hands and feet are also common. Flor's hands and feet are pint sized. Jace (not quite 2) has much larger hands and feet than Flor. Really. Flor wears a size 5 toddler shoe. Jace wears a size 8-- just for comparison. :)

Sleep problems: The most common problem found is multiple wakings per night, which is dead on for Flor. She doesn't really have a problem falling asleep, but she is such a light sleeper. Any little noise used to wake her up, though she has done much better lately. She still wakes up easily, though. She is able to fall back asleep with no problems (as far as I know!). 

What are the behavioral issues typically associated with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome?

From the report: "In general, children with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome are placid and affectionate (very true of Flor). However, they are as vulnerable to frustration as other children with a communication difficulty and temper tantrums and aggression can present caregivers with challenges (also very true with Flor)... The behavioral issues are wide-ranging. Some can be overly affectionate, including with strangers (um, YEP. Constantly working on this!) Sensory difficulties can be difficult for some children (YEP) This can be tactile defensiveness, where children are sensitive to touch or sensitivity to certain textures (Flor has some of both of these). Some children go through a long phase of chewing or biting their own hands, arms, and wrists, usually when in pain, tired, frustrated, or frightened, but on occasion for no obvious reason." (Weird that it even explains this! I thought it was odd the Flor bites her hands, but apparently it is common...). 

The report goes on to say that head banging is less common, but Flor also does this, especially when going to sleep. It also says that these kids can have a high pain threshold-- which I have definitely noticed. Flor fell down the stairs once and it didn't even phase her. She just stood up and walked back upstairs...all the while my heart was racing and I was running down the stairs to help her. Nope, she was fine. 

The report points out that the children do best with praise for positive behavior and ignoring negative behavior, which is something we can work on with Flor. We put her in time-out usually when we see negative behavior, and she does respond well to that also. They also talk about routine and the importance of it in helping regulate the behaviors. I also agree with this. Flor does much better when she is on a predictable routine. 

And the question I know is on all of your minds....

What is her life expectancy? 
Well, no direct answer was given me on this question, but the counselors did tell me that they had read recent studies of people with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome who were 18 and 23. That didn't sound too reassuring to me, I mean 18 and 23 are not old by any means. So, the answer to this question is, I don't know. I think we have to be realistic about the fact that Flor may not live to be all that old, but at the same time, we need to enjoy each day with her and not be looking over our shoulder, waiting for her death. Given that she has so few of the health problems, I think she can live a good life. I definitely don't want her dying at 18, but at the same time, I don't want her to be living like this to 80 either. I hope that doesn't make me sound callous, but I know that Heavenly Father knows best and we will trust His will for Flor's life. I know her mission on earth is to teach us and teach us she is. I still have a lot of learning to do. Devin and I knew going into Flor's adoption that she would likely be living with us long-term. She is not going to achieve a level of independence where she can be on her own, and we knew that, even without a name to her delays. That said, we are going to continue to get her as many treatments, therapies, and opportunities to learn as we can. We want her to progress to as far as she is capable. 

So why is this important?
While her diagnosis does not really change anything right now- she isn't needing new medications, therapies, etc....she can continue with the routine we have going for her-- it does change things in mine and Devin's minds. It all has to do with expectations. And now, since we have a much better idea of what appropriate expectations are for Flor, we can respond better to her and her needs without the extra frustration that comes with unrealistic expectations. 

Let me give you just one example of MANY to show what I am talking about. The potty training thing.

When we first showed up to Flor's orphanage to bring her into our family, we did not know if she was toilet trained or not. We quickly found out that she was not. However, all the staff at the orphanage made it a point to tell us how ready she was for toilet training. They encouraged us to get started immediately in potty-training her because now was the time. The psychologist gave us some tips on training her and suggested that we use dolls to show her how to use the toilet and then have her copy the behavior. Well, we took them seriously, because afterall, what did we know? We didn't know anything about this little girl and if the people who had been caring for her for years thought she was ready, well she must be ready. 

Wrong. What we hoped would happen-a quick, easy, potty training (haha)- did not happen. What did happen? A LOT of frustration. If I could go back and do anything differently, I would have ignored the potty training issue completely at the beginning. It gave us an unfair disadvantage while we were trying to bond with Flor. We spent half the time frustrated with her because she was not getting the potty thing at all-- yet we had been told that she was ready! Here we are more than a year later, and while Flor has made great strides in toilet training (If we are consistent and put her on the toilet every 1-2 hours, she uses it appropriately, including bowel movements almost all of the time (sorry for the TMI), but what Flor is lacking is the ability to anticipate the need AND to tell us) she is still not potty trained. (not even close, adds Devin). 

So, now that I have talked to the genetic counselors and read the research on her syndrome, I know that toilet training is rarely fully achieved with any of the people with 1P36 Deletion Syndrome. Huh. So really, she has been ahead of the curve this whole time (at least knowing how to use the bathroom correctly), and yet we have been frustrated with her because she still.isn't.potty.trained. Had our expectation been that she won't ever fully toilet train, our outlook on her successes certainly would have been different. So, you see what I mean about expectations? 

Whew. I think that's quite enough info for now, right? All the information in report form talked about here comes from a group called Unique. The genetic counselors gave me a whole packet about Flor's syndrome, which has been really helpful because it is written in layman's terms but is really comprehensive. Awesome. Their website is http://www.rarechromo.org/html/home.asp if you want to check it out.

Also, feel free to ask any questions if you have them...we are pretty open books!

January 25, 2013

Insta-Sample December

I am at bit behind on this one, but here are some of my Instagram pictures from the month of December. Many were repetitive from the holidays, so I'll leave those ones out.

Devin has been making us homemade bread! Yum...

Hallie the babysitter--- helping with baby Josh. 

Flor's first taste of peaches in who knows how long!

"Are you really  making me play outside in this freezing snow again??"

This was an amazing day...we got a scrapbook in the mail from Stacey, the mom in Flor's second orphanage . It had tons of never-before-seen pictures of Flor from the ages 1-4 ish. Such a treasure!

Might have posted this before-- if so, sorry! Meeting Santa and Mrs. Claus (Uncle Lynn and Barb)

It is weird that my four year old is now taller than my eight year old...

Rockin' her sweater boots from Aunt Che' and Aunt Suey. Man, she loves those things. And who can blame her?

I'm in!

Came home from the store one day while Devin was sick to find Jace helping himself to two apples-double fisting them. Coulda been worse, I guess. 

AND....I am really a dork and I am sorry. The last post should be totally fixed now. I recognized later that I only took the bottom two videos off private, but not the first. The first is the best one because you can actually see Hallie (and you can almost see her fall down a few times, too :)) So if you wanted to watch it, try now.

January 22, 2013

Oh, I Want my Dancing Shoes to Stay...

*Update- the videos should work now. Thanks Lindsey for pointing out that they were on private. duh...

first dance recital was this past weekend and let me tell you- that there is some quality entertainment! I learned a few things about Hallie that evening since I have never seen her dance before (Yeah, I'm the mom who just takes my turn in the carpool picking her up but does nothing more than that. Oops...)
 1) She knew the choreography much better than expected
2) She can darn near do the splits! Who knew??
3) She likes to be the star. For example, at the end of one dance, all the kids had their head in their hands and Hallie has hers up in the air to make her the focal point (I don't think that was supposed to happen). You may be able to see it in one of the videos. Another example- at the end of one of the songs, the kids all end in a sitting pose, all except Hals, who is still standing there posed. Uh, pretty positive that wasn't supposed to happen...

Here are some videos for your viewing pleasure. Her group performed three dances and I really only have a good video of the last one because it took me that long to figure out that my phone was blurring everyone and basically making them big white blurs. Boo....
 In this one it is pretty easy to tell which one she is...this is when I got smart and used the actual camera to make the videos instead of my phone. Duh. I will know better next time.
She is in the front middle on this one...you can't tell, but basically the one I am focusing on. I thought my phone would be better than the camera, but boy was I wrong!
 This one is a Halloween dance and they are all wearing little pumpkins. Hals is again in the front middle (basically the same spot). When they do a back bend, she is one of the ones who is way up in the air (way to go, girl!)

And, of course some pictures:
Again, bad choice of camera...

She was thrilled that daddy brought her flowers. Every girl needs flowers after a performance, right?

Hallie goes to dance each week with her friends (our neighbors) Ashley and Kennadee. We couldn't find Kenna, so we just have pictures with Ash and Hals

Just needs to sit up a bit here and we've got the splits. I am really surprised that she is that flexible...because we all know that I am NOT flexible in the least.

Once we got home, she wanted to keep showing me her moves.

 I kept calling this a bear crawl and she had to keep reminding me that it is called a "back bend". Shows what I know.
I am excited to see the next performance (in the spring) because this one was just cute.

January 18, 2013

Disneyland! Part 1

Here are the billion Disneyland pics as promised (Just for you Jana! I am happy that you requested them :))

We had such a fantastic time at Disneyland. It really could not have been more perfect. Well except for the throwing up, big D, and Jace waking up at 5 am parts-- everything else we would do over next week if we could! My sister planned this trip about a year ago for our family because it is something we have talked about for years, but never done. We wanted to have a family trip particularly for my Grandma. Well, she was as excited as can be about the trip, but then she fell ill with an pneumonia at the last minute and her doctor would not allow her to come. It was really sad that she didn't make it, but the good news is that Mari Ann and Hailie got to come in her place. We are going to make a book of pictures for Grandma of the trip so I am the lucky one who has pictures from everyone (well almost everyone...cough, cough, Cortney), so I get to showcase them all on the blog. Yippee.

We spent four days at Disneyland/California Adventure and had a great time. Hallie is the perfect age for everything and Jace actually really enjoyed it, too. The only thing that was hard with him is that he still needs a nap during the day, so if we couldn't get him to nap in the park (Devin would ride the train around and around with him until he fell asleep), we had an ornery child on our hands. We went back once to the hotel (just down the street from Disneyland) and let him take a nap and that worked great too.

We decided to have Flor stay home with Devin's parents (Thanks M/D for taking her!). I was kind of wishy- washy on that decision leading up to the trip, but in the end I can say wholeheartedly that we made the right choice. Disneyland would have been too stimulating and overwhelming for Flor and she would not have enjoyed it. Flor does best with quiet routines and structure, so this type of trip is just not ideal for her. We will have to come up with a low-key family vacation of some sort for her to go on next time.

One of the coolest parts of the trip was meeting up with a friend who I have only met online up until this point. I met Christy and her husband Michael through the Ecuador adoption group, even though they are now pursuing an adoption in the DRC. We have emailed back and forth for the better part of a year (at least) and so it was really fun to spend a day with them in person. They have a daughter, Aliana, who is just younger than Hallie. Aliana has such a sweet and outgoing personality; she made Hallie her best friend right away.

Steve took this picture for us and tried multiple times. He made a comment about "someone" not cooperating but pled the Fifth when asked who-- ha..I wonder, Hallie? She was tired and kind of grumpy at this point, but I am glad we got the picture anyway. This was our first day and we had been up since 5 am to catch our flight, so I think she was just a bit sleep deprived! 

Our little family was the first to fly in...we got there at like 9:30 giving us an almost full day at Disney that day. Che' and Brad and families flew in later that afternoon and Jennifer/Cortney/Mari Ann flew in from I.F. in the afternoon as well. We were thrilled to see them all and to meet up for a lot of playing Clark family style. 
Brad and crew. He left Charlie home with his mom.

I just think this picture is the cutest- Hudson looking up at his dad. Cute. cute.

California Adventure. I have been to Disney a lot of times in my life, but never California Adventure...let me tell you something...I LOVED it!! 

Jennifer, Steve, and Sadie. They left Brookie home with my mom. 

Much of the crew...minus us and some of Brad's crew. I think we were at dinner with my friend camille at this point, which was another highlight...seeing one of my BFF's. No pictures of that meeting, though..boo. 

Uncle Lynn made it for one day. He was supposed to be working in Vegas but snuck away and drove over for the day. He is the biggest kid of all...Disneyland season pass holder, right there. He was fun to have around because he is such a Disney fanatic, he knew all sorts of little fun facts and trivia. 

Waiting in line to go on the Cars ride in California Adventure. One of our favorites! Looks like I am a  Polyandrist, eh?

 We went to the "World of Color" show one night and it was amazing. Loved it.

So, I think there are going to be two more posts just FULL of pictures. Don't get bored now.

Go to Disneyland as a huge family. You won't regret it.

Parts 2 and 3 are below this post, just FYI. :)

Disneyland! part 2

Of course one of the big highlights of Disneyland (particularly for the kids), was meeting so many amazing characters. I think we met just about everybody there is to meet.

Jace was funny because he would just go up to whichever character it was and go in for the hug. He would just sit there until Mickey, or whoever, turned him around for the picture. Pretty cute.

I had no idea Mickey had a bear...you?

We met Lightning and Mator right in a row. These characters even talk to the kids...it's crazy!

Oh, so fun. Of course Disney would not be complete without getting some shots of fantastic faces on rides:
Hallie was an animal. She loved all rides fast & scary. Space Mountain was her favorite...ay yi yi. Her face in this one is classic, though! She loved it, don't worry.

Hallie is sitting next to me here (Space Mountain) and i kid you not- she laughed the entire time and then said when we got off "I loved it mom, but you didn't, huh?" Yeah...can you tell by my face? Feeling a bit ill...I am just not young like I used to be! Cort looks pretty great though, too.

Screamin' at California Adventure. Fun one-time ride. :)

This Cars ride is really amazing. Check out Jennifer's hair. We are proud to report that our car won the big race. :)

Love all the faces in this one! I love that they had all ridden it enough to know when to pull  a face for the camera.

Sadie was not a fan of most rides, but I think she was upset here because she wanted to ride with Jennifer and Hallie was with her instead. Poor thing

Tower of Terror....terrible, terrible ride, I tell ya. 

Screamin' again. Apparently these kids were animals and just wanted to ride it over and over.


That's us in the back...me about to barf. Yep.

And...one more post to come!