We spent Memorial Day weekend in (should be sunny, but was actually windy) St. George with two of my dearest friends from high school, Camille and Anneka. Anneka is actually my cousin as well and her sister (thus another cousin) Shawna lives in town, so we got to spend some time with her, too. PLUS- we also got to see Devin's sister Jana, her husband Karl, and their son Grady, along with Devin's grandparents who all live there, too. Whew. So many people, so much fun.
So, without further ado....TOP 10 Moments of the weekend in St. George (and a million pictures!)
1) Time with Grandma and Grandpa Maughan. Devin's grandparents are getting a little up there in years and we do not get to see them all that often, so the time we were able to spend with them was priceless to us.
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Jace, on the other hand, was enthralled with Grandpa's feet and the wheels on his walker. I love feet (not) and wheels too, so that totally makes sense, right? |
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By this time our actual camera battery had died and we had no charger (good planning, eh), so the phone pictures will have to do. Not the best quality, but oh well. |
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And two out of five people looking. Great picture, right there. |
2) Late night chats with the ladies. Oh man, some serious walks down memory lane here. Camille had found some old church programs from our single days in her scriptures that she brought along, which brought hours of entertainment. Of course during those days we couldn't just listen in church, so these programs were full of some gems of notes. The notes were mostly between Camille, Kylee, and I because Anneka was at a different college, but we definitely had some good laughs over our topics of discussion. Here is an idea of what we are talking about:
*Camille: What are you doing today? I have on my schedule: 12:00- read the comics 12:30- take a nap 2:30- make rolls 3:00- read 4:00- go visiting teaching 5:00- dinner. Are you going to kiss Devo today? (Devin and I were engaged at the time)
Kim: No, not today. Let's consult Family Rule #47, according to Stef: "We do not kiss boys on the Sabbath day."
Camille: THAT's a family rule??? Ohhhh NO!!!!!!!!!
{The family rules were just a joke, but oh my did we have some funny ones. Some too inappropriate to name here-- but old roommates will definitely remember. Obviously Camille had broken family rule #47. :))
Or this one:
*Camille: This guy is a good speaker. I need to make a new Top Ten list. I love this song. Speaking of love, I love syrup. I could use some right now. & a bathroom.
{What the??? She is the queen of the randomly interjected thoughts...}
We also spent a fair amount of time back in the day playing a game on the programs called "Date, Dump, Marry." {Yeah, sometimes our paying attention in church was not the best...} One person would give the other person three names of guys we knew (mostly in our ward) and the second person would then have to say which one she would dump, which one she would date, and which one she would marry. Verrrrrrry interesting. We have matured a little bit since those days. Kind of.
We stayed up WAY too late every night just talking and chatting. Even after we had said goodnight one night, Anneka's husband pointed out that we congregated together to the bathroom, then we congregated out to the front room again, then we congregated in the hallway on the way to bed... because we just couldn't stop. Gotta love it.
NOT a picture of our late night chats because no one wants to see that...but Anneka and I doing our best to look like we got 8 hours of sleep the night before instead of the 3 or 4 we actually got. |
Addy, Hals, and Hyrum having a look at the Christ statue |
These three were great together. Nothing better than a five year old (Addy) explaining what is happening in the pictures to two three-year-olds. She did a great job as the tour guide! |
This is what happens when you try to get a picture of six kids. |
That's cuteness right there. |
Mille and Flor |
Look at Hy and Jace looking at each other. Too cute. |
"Come on Jace!" |
Don't we look good in our swimsuits? No...these are actually continuations from the Temple, but just wanted to break up the pictures a bit, ya know... |
Hals and cute Hinckley. He and Jace are about a month apart, so it was fun to see them together. |
5) Dinner out and a night away from the kids! Saturday night, Shawna and Curt arranged for babysitters to come to the condo where we were staying (which belongs to Camille's husband's grandma-- so nice of her to let us stay there!) so that we could go out. This was heavenly for us. We put our kids to bed before we left, thinking that it wouldn't be too big of a deal for these girls. Since Anneka's three kids were there too, we got two sitters. Well, we had a great time at dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. We took our time, ate great food, laughed a lot, played silly games, and just generally enjoyed a night out.
We came back to the condo and the first thing one of the babysitters said was, "Umm...Hallie is yours right?" Oh dear. I was quite nervous to admit that she was. The babysitter said that Hallie had come crying out of bed shortly after we left saying that Flor had pushed her out of the bed (note to reader: yeah, right.) They thought all was fine and went to put Hallie back in bed when they noticed a lot of blood. Apparently Hallie fell out of the bed (or was trying to get out, more likely) and hit her leg on the table by the bed. She had a huge gash in her leg and there was blood all over the sheets and comforter. Yikes. Just what you want in a condo that you don't own! No worries, though, the girls were resourceful and found a band aid to bandage her up and we were able to successfully clean the bedding. Whew. Never a dull moment.
Shawna's face illustrates how hilarious we all thought we were. Which, in case you wonder, we were. |
6) Late night games. And food. And laughing. We played a lot of games during the trip. Saturday night and Sunday night were dedicated to games. Games are fun most of the time, but when you play them with really fun people, they are even more fun. I am pleased to announce that Camille didn't even try to cheat. She is a notorious cheater, but kept herself in line this time. Good job, lady. While we played, we ate and ate and ate. Camille made her famous Congo bars and we pigged out on those the whole time. Mmmm... I could use some now....
7) The sleeping situation. Okay, when I say Top 10 moments, this has to fall under "Top 1 Worst Moment(s)." Yeah, I just made a new category. We had all of our kids in one room in the condo, which worked out great as the girls were in the huge bed and Jace in the walk in bathroom area in his pack-n-play. No problems there. Devin and I slept on the air mattress in the living room. We thought it would be great fun to have a slumber party with the others there, which was great fun, except for that the first night, Hallie woke up crying for some reason, so I tried to sleep with her and Flor for a while to calm her down. Well, Hallie allowed me approximately 2 inches of space, so I was basically hanging off the side of the bed. Two little children and one adult should fit quite easily in a king size bed, you'd think. But, not so. The second night I thought I would fall asleep right away because I was so exhausted, but we stayed up late again and got wired, then someone who shall-not-be-named but who happened to be sleeping in the living room too has taken up snoring, so that kept me up for a while longer. :)
8) Visiting Devin's sister Jana and her cute family. Jana had us over for Sunday lunch at her house, which was really fun. We had a delicious meal, great company, and the kids enjoyed playing with their cousin Grady. Jana also was kind enough to teach me to cut boy hair. She demonstrated on Jace and though her professionalism intimidates me, her teaching must be fantastic because I gave Devin a haircut once we got home and it doesn't look too bad if I do say so myself (except for the bald spot in the back. But it's hardly noticeable! ha!)
Grady did not like the idea of having a posed picture taken, so we got some candids instead. Well two, before the camera died. |
Grady and Uncle Devin |
10) Attending church together. We were nearly zombies by Sunday due to lack of sleep, but we all managed to get ourselves up, showered, and to church by 11 am. I know, I know, 11 am is not that early, but it was a feat. We were even on time. We went to Shawna's ward and had a really great time together. It was fun to look back to the bench behind us (yes we took two) and to see all of our kids sitting together and reading stories together during Sacrament Meeting. The talks were superb. Jace took a nap (unheard of). The adults got sugary treats in Sunday School to stay awake. The Relief Society lesson was really, really great (best I've heard in a long time- and one I needed to re-hear). Camille and I got to play with Anneka's flannel book/scripture stories. Hyrum and Hallie went to Sunbeams together and appeared to be the only ones in the class (thank you teacher who knows neither of them for teaching our children!) All in all- a great day at church.
And that concludes our horrendously long Top 10 list. Sorry everyone. I better go put a disclaimer at the top. Who knew that I had so much to say?
And...it appears that I have one straggler picture. I feel bad that I didn't get any pictures of all of Shawna's kids, but this one has Alia in it. The kids loved playing together, which was so great. Hallie doesn't know these cousins very well at all since we don't see them that often, so it was fun for her to get to know them.
Addy, Alia, Hallie, Flor, and Hyrum playing dolls |
Oh my heck! So glad that I checked your blog tonight! I was laughing before I could finish reading each thought, just knowing exactly what you were going to say. I had soooo much fun! It was really some aweful sleeping, but besides that, it was some serious good bonding. And I think you got more out of church on Sunday than I did. I LOVED RS...but the other hours were a blur (I was sleeping with my eyes open). And how come Camille still won all those games without cheating???
I am so glad that I got to see you guys! It makes me really excited for the family reunion. Love ya!
Ohhh I SOOOO wish I could have been there! It looks like so much fun! boo for living too far away! :(
My favorite was camilles random note, Speaking of love, I love syrup. I could use some now, and a bathroom."... haha that girl!
Can't wait to see you all in July. (I need to call you so we can make plans, as I am not sure where I will be staying while I am there)
Loved the post!
Anne- I didn't win all the games! Devo came up with the big W in Farkle!
Kim- I did clarify that you were my dearest friend and college roommate to my Kiwi friend. haha I definitely need to think before I speak. Glad we had a good laugh over it though. Also- I apologize for the snoring... LOVE YOU!
PS Love the pic of Flor on the steps- SOOOO CUTE!!! I miss you all!!!
As the authority on Family Rules, I'm pretty sure that "no kissing boys on the Sabbath" was not on the list. But I am sure that one family rule was "we do not wear trashy underwear to church parties, we only wear trashy underwear to trashy parties."
And it's too bad that there were no copies of top ten lists...I LOVED making top ten lists!!! Miss you girls!!
Kim! Why didn't we get a looky loo at Devin's hair cut you gave him?!?! Don't tell me you didn't document your first official haircut?!?! (as far as I know at least) I am sure it looks Fantastic! Not too hard eh? Loved having you all. Thanks for thinking of us while you were down here!!
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