May 2, 2012

And the fun begins...

Every summer, our family participates in the Relay For Life. Remember this and this? We didn't make it last year because we had sick kids...but there is no way I am missing it this year. It is the highlight of the summer, most definitely. Best yet, it supports a great cause-- the American Cancer Society.

I know that I have discussed my brother-in-law Chris many a time on this blog. He is the reason that we Relay. He lost his battle to his brain tumor in 2009 and our family has participated in the Relay for Life ever since. The irony of the situation is that a few years before his passing, Chris participated in the Relay as a survivor. He had had a brain tumor in high school as well, which he beat. The second round was not as kind to him and it was really a life changing experience to watch him suffer and lose all of his independence. His suffering was one of the saddest things I have ever watched, but he endured it with such grace and with a smile on his face the whole time. He is such a hero of mine. It's easy to say that I hope to never watch another loved one suffer like Chris did. That's why I am passionate about the Relay for Life. It makes me feel like I am doing something to make a difference. I know it may be little, but it seems like the small efforts of many can contribute to make a huge difference.

Now, I know I have recently asked a lot of you all as we did major fundraising for our adoption process. And as such, it makes me feel bad to ask again. But, I am behind this cause and I know that there are some of you who would be willing to donate $10 to our team, so here is the information you need!

My sister organized an AWESOME RAFFLE , here:

Go there and check out all the amazing prizes she gathered. I mean, we are talking a night's stay at a themed inn, a mini photo session, a $40 gift card to Barnes and Noble, a $50 gift card to Sportsmans Warehouse (for the men!), an exercise basket complete with gym pass, etc...etc. That is just a sampling of the prizes available. So, GO CHECK IT OUT!! 

And, also a huge thanks to all those who supported Devin and I with our Pizza Pie Cafe Fundraiser here in Provo. We had a great turnout and we are so thankful! We also are still planning on holding our garage sale-- proceeds from that will also benefit Relay for Life. So any of you local friends who have done any Spring cleaning and have any items to donate, we would love to take them off your hands. Let me know-- we can also pick up!

And, on an unrelated note, check out what Chris's namesake was up to this evening: 

Yes, those are wipes. He sure is proud of himself, yes? It was not the best evening at our house. Let's just say it involved a lot of poop in not-so-ideal locations, then this wipe incident. Good thing we had a little visit from Uncle Lynn and Barb to break up the craziness. A little bit of sanity in an insane night. Got to love the joys of motherhood.

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