May 19, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

My wonderful friend Jaime came clear from Alaska to take our family pictures again this year. Okay, okay, she actually came for some time with her family and for some baby showers for her and her sweet baby coming soon, but she was kind enough to squeeze in some time to take our pictures. She always does such a good job and this time was no exception, especially given that Flor cried nearly the whole time (you wouldn't know it, right!?) Thanks Jaim, you are a champ!!

Without further ado, some of our favorites of our family of 5:

Hallie insisted upon having individual pictures taken. That cheeser.


Britt said...

What an adorable family! Hallie is so cute with that individual picture. What fun to have you all together!

Jessica and Danny said...

Good job Jaime! And what an adorable family. They turned out great!

The Cumming Fam said...

Kim! I love, love LOVE these! And I really love your hair! You look super cute with bangs!! Can't wait to see you all this weekend! Maybe (and hopefully) this trip down here will be a little more fun and a little less sick than last time. :)

amy said...

LOVE!!! yay jaime!!!!

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Love them, you are all so darling I can't stand it!