This girl is funny. And wild. She is starting to really push the limits sometimes. Fun, so fun. I try to keep in mind that she is only two (soon to be three) and focus on the good in her personality versus the button pushing parts. Some days are better than others. Ah well, such is the ride, eh?
Apparently the videos uploaded first, so here you go: The first is her dancing skills. TERRIBLE Rhythm! I wonder where she gets that from??? Ha, ha, ha. The second video is of her reciting the 2nd Article of Faith. Do forgive her appearance as she had just gotten out of the bath tub and was ready for bed. Please also forgive my annoying voice in the end. She wanted to say it for Grandma and Grandpa Perry, so we sent it to them, but some of my family may enjoy it as well.
Here are some recent "Hallie-isms" and pictures of her as well:
*During quiet time in her room one day, she yelled, "Please let me out! That would be helpful!"
Hallie is such a cheeser. We went to a Latin-American Festival in Provo over Labor Day and she LOVED it. She wanted to sit and watch the singers and dancers for a really long time. We finally had to drag her away so that we could go home and get the kids to bed. She was trying to sing along (In Spanish) and was standing on her chair shaking her maracas the whole time. Funny.
*One day while we were driving somewhere, it was silent. She piped up from the back seat: "Mom, it's okay to talk to me." Okay, will do.
*We visited my cousin one day, and while using her bathroom, she told me, "Mom! This bathroom is PRETTY! Why don't you make ours pretty?"
At the same festival. Loving life.
*While playing and pretending, she handed me a rattle and we had the following conversation:
Hallie:"Here, Mom! Eat it!"
Me: "What is it?"
Hallie: "A Sandwich."
Me: "What kind of sandwich?"
Hallie: "A cucumber and french fry sandwich!"
(yum, yum...I think I will invent it...)
Hallie at her first dentist appointment ever! I know, I am behind. She did a great job & was particularly fascinated by the train running around the office near the ceiling. She has no cavities! yay!
*One night, my cousin Carlie was over and Hallie had gone to bed (well, she was supposed to be in bed, we will put it that way.) She uses the technique that she needs to go to the bathroom all the time to get out, so of course she pulled out her favorite card and told me she needed to go to the bathroom. She was on her way up the stairs and Carlie and I were in the living room. As she was making her way up the stairs, she called down, "What are you guys doing?" and I replied, "We are watching T.V." She came back down, peered around the corner and proclaimed in a very matter-of-fact tone, "I love T.V."
*A conversation I overheard her having with Devin one day:
Hallie: Daddy, why is mommy crying?
Devin: She's not.
Hallie: She is crying because she had a bad dream about raspberries, huh? (Where in the world does she come up with these things??)
Cutest model of the Lady Linda t-shirts ever. Do you see a theme in that dress? Seriously, the girl has a massive wardrobe, yet she only wears dresses and skirts, so therefore they repeat often. I did convince her to wear the cutest little pair of skinny jeans one day and she looked adorable, but I haven't managed to convince her to wear them again. Sad.
*One day we were talking about birthdays and how old everyone is. She asked how old I am, how old Devin is, how old Jace is, how old Sadie is, how old Jen is, and then we got to Steve. "How old is Steve?" I answered, "He is 30." This seemed to just top the charts...her eyes got huge and she whispered in awe, "Whoa..."
* We have been riding our bikes a lot lately, especially after the death of the Honda. I was pulling her and Jace in the bike trailer one day on our way to the bank, when about halfway there:
Hallie: "Mom, where are we going?"
Me: "To the bank."
Hallie: "Well, that's not good news."
Me: "Sure it is good news!"
Hallie: "Well, it's not good news for me and Jacer!"
This girl loves vegetables. I can't complain. When she wants a snack, she will often go into the fridge and eat whatever we have. She loves peppers and will eat them whole, as seen here, and also will snack on broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, celery...and whatever else is there. It's weird. But like I said, I am not complaining! She also does not care for fast food, for which I suppose I should be grateful...
That's a rough run-down of what Hallie has been up to lately. She really is so funny and so much fun to be around. However, she also has an attitude. We are working on that....
Hals is such a blast. The top video reminds me of Linda. Once Linda and Mari Ann were in my bug and that song came on and Linda was oh, 11 months pregnant or so with Carter and she was dancing like a fool and clapping in Mari's face. So funny. I love the Hallieisms posts... they're my favorite. Can't wait to have them in a few weeks!
Ok- I am dying laughing about the comment about Steve's age. HILARIOUS! And, I love the video of her dancing. Pretty funny! I love that girl.
haha I love that little girl. She is hysterical! Glad you guys are doing well! Love and miss you!
so cute!! I love the "I love T.V." one... can totally picture it. She sure is smart with that article of faith. how cute! ;)
Hals is such a blast. The top video reminds me of Linda. Once Linda and Mari Ann were in my bug and that song came on and Linda was oh, 11 months pregnant or so with Carter and she was dancing like a fool and clapping in Mari's face. So funny. I love the Hallieisms posts... they're my favorite. Can't wait to have them in a few weeks!
That dancing video is classic- she's got some sweet moves!
She cracks me up! I love that little girl!
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