I know I just had a post called "shmorgasboard", so I am going to call this one "stuff". I know it's lame, but it's a done deal.
Stuff. Yeah, we have stuff going on. Since I know you are all dying to know everything that goes on with us, here are the top ten newest new and exciting/not so exciting things going on in our lives.
10) Hallie had her eye checked out finally. She has had a bump on her eyelid for like 3 months. We thought it was pretty harmless but decided to check it out anyway. After our doctor announced that he had never seen such a large thing on a child's eyelid (comforting), he sent her to a pediatric eye doctor to get it checked out further. It is a cyst, as we thought. The eye dr. said that it would go away on its own. Let's hope sometime in the next 5 years, since its been there for months already. Oh well. The best part is that her eyes had to be dilated and they stayed that way for like two days. Kind of freaky.
9) Jace is rolling over. Only from stomach to back, but it's still fun to watch him learn new things all the time. What a handsome boy. (Not that being handsome has anything to do with it, but I just can't resist saying that. I am, afterall, his mother and I am supposed to say things like that about him).
8) After much struggle, tears, and protesting, my friends Camille and Kylee have convinced me to do the 10k Dirty Dash with them in September in SLC. I know, I know- pick yourself up and get back into your chair and then you may proceed reading for a thorough explanation. If you know me at all, you know that I detest running. I am not an exerciser in general, in fact. I only agreed to do it because a) the baby chub isn't coming off quite as quickly (or at all) this time around b) it supports some good causes and c) its running through mud with slip and slides and fun things like that! Fun, right? We will see. Wish me luck. Before I agreed to do it, I made Devin go out running with me just to see how far I could go before I died. I went 1.5 miles, which I was rather proud of, particularly since we live in a hilly neighborhood and Devin (that sly dog) started us off by running directly up one of those said hills. He had to drag me back home, along with the two children, at the end- but hey, I ran 1.5 miles!
7) On that same note (I don't know if I can really come up with ten things to talk about here...so, continuing on from the last one), Camille sent me a training schedule for the race. Devin and I have been 100% following it so far. This is really saying something people, just so you know. Each Thursday is stretch/strength day. Well. Let me just tell you that Devin takes things seriously when it comes to stretching and strengthening. We did wall sits, lunges, sit ups, push ups, weights, and more weights. Rounds of three on each one. Just when I thought I was done, he would announce another round. (I think he was re-living the glory days of his high school basketball days). Oh. MY. GOSH. My legs were immediately like jello and have not returned to their normal consistency since. Yeah, I am walking like I am 90 years old. Hopefully I stop being so weak and it doesn't hurt so bad after a while!
6) Loving Bountiful baskets still. We have been getting one every week for the past few months and we love them. Love the variety, love that it saves money, and love that we get to try new recipes with things we have never had before (jicama for example. Tried a few things with that. I loved it, Devin hated it.)
5) A few exciting adoptions this past week. They are all exciting, but these past two just left me feeling extra great for some reason. One was with one of my adoptive couples that I adore and another was my birth mother that placed with a couple from another office. That one was fun- the baby was supposed to be a girl and came out a boy. Never hear of that happening anymore, but that made it extra exciting. Also fun was listening to the birth mother talk about how hot she thinks her doctor is and how flustered she gets just mentioning him. haha, so funny. I personally don't think I would pick a doctor that I think is hot to be my down-there doc, if you know what I mean. But to each their own!
4) We are really not that exciting and I don't have anything to say here.
3) It's time for Relay for Life fundraising again! Wahoo! Since I have sort of saturated this audience for donations, we have decided to do things a bit differently this year and I am super excited. I mentioned Sarah has gotten me into garage sale-ing. Well, I decided that we should hold a garage sale of our own and donate 100% of the profits to our Relay for Life fundraiser. I am so excited about this! I think we can do pretty well. I am going to ask our ward members to just bring us things that they are going to give to the DI anyway or that they want to get rid of during spring cleaning, etc. so that we can have a variety of things to sell. I think people will be pretty supportive since it is a fundraiser and all the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. I think this is a good way for people to help too, since it is hard to always donate money to different causes, particularly when money is tight for a lot of people. I think we will hold it the second Saturday in June so that I have time to gather things and get organized. If you want to help me out-- here are some ways. If you live nearby, you can donate items for us to sell at the garage sale. OR- you can stop by the garage sale to see if anything strikes your fancy to purchase (I will post details later on). As always, you can also just donate directly to my Relay for Life page if you would rather. HERE is the link.
2) I got a new calling. Relief Society secretary in my ward. I really am getting old, I guess.
1) Devin is starting his new job this week! Can I get a hallelujah from the audience? He has a job with a grounds crew at a golf course. This is super exciting for him because it is a step in the right direction for career jobs in his chosen field. The hours are great (for him): 5:30 am to 1:30 pm, allowing me to work from 2-6 each afternoon still. The down side is that it is a seasonal job and does not offer benefits, so poor Dev is staying at Smiths as well. He will work there on weekends to maintain our benefits and such there. I know he detests that place, but even having a few less shifts there per week makes him extremely happy. Next year, after we have a little bit more leeway (we need to stay in our house for another year since we bought it with the tax credit), he can use the golf course job as experience to look for jobs elsewhere, besides just our little area, which doesn't offer much in the way of what he would like to do (sports turf). Anyway, that's that. Exciting and kind of fun to be moving forward a bit.
Nice update!! good job on the signing up for that 10k... I need to do that someday!!
As for the garage selling.. I will talk to my aunt about things at my grandma's that may be good for the garage sale!!
I am coming FRIDAY (possibly thursday) and staying through June 6thish!! I wish your garage sale was that weekend, but yes i know you definitly need more time to get organized!! Let me know if i can help at all while i am there! I will call or text ya when i get in town!
We have never gotten Bountiful baskets but have thought about doing it. Do you get a lot of food? It sounds like you enjoy so I thought I would ask!
loved this update- so detailed and full of such stuff! glad about the new job and the old ones. Exciting about rolling over and love love love BBaskets- I personally didn't care for the jicama-not sure what to do with it myself.
looks like sarah and daniel finally got a blog-maybe it has been awhile-tell them to send me an invite and I will do the same:)
So excited for our mud run! We need to come up with a cool team name then I'll register us. :)
Just had a thought about Hallie's cyst. My mom had told me the reason we get cysts is because we aren't getting enough potassium in our diet. I don't know if you've done that already but it wouldn't hurt to try, and see if it works.
Did you get the swiss chard this last Saturday in your bountiful basket? Not sure I'm a fan of that.
Glad to hear you all are doing good. :)
Congrats to Devin on the job! I should have asked you about it today. Hope Hallie's eye is okay! I want to come to your garage sale, too!
I want to come take you and you little clan to lunch on June 8th!
Hey lady...I think we are planning on running the Dirty Dash...they may be the same thing but I don't know...Super proud of you and Dev...you might love it so much it will become an annual tradition!
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