September 28, 2010

I Like Nice People

It seems like lately people have been doing nice nice things for me and for our family. It just reminds me to look for the good because it is there.

-This weekend, I had the most crazy weekend EVER on the job. Crazy in a good way. I will post about it on my adoption blog soon, but it was basically three solid days of work (friday, saturday, sunday) after a birth mom called from the hospital wanting to place. My sweet cousin Carlie dropped everything on Friday to come stay with Hallie so I could be up at the hospital. Yeah, and she had three tests that day. Nice, or what?

-My co-workers Margaret and Lauren rearranged everything that they had going on to help me with everything I needed to accomplish in such a short time. Everything from composing a very articulate and fully detailed email to all the higher-ups, to pulling profiles and calling couples to be shown to reminding me of all the little things I might forget. Fantastic, eh?

-My Bishop's wife babysits Hallie once a week for a few hours and has come to be a friend to me. She unexpectedly dropped by a birthday gift last week, then this week she dropped off a HUGE bag of clothes for Hallie that her 3 year old daughter has grown out of. Can we say, no need to shop for the next YEAR?! So nice. Seriously, everything is there from shoes to pajamas to dresses to clothes. I was super excited as clothes for that little girly are a costly expenditure!

-Devin has needed to complete a project for school where he takes pictures of flowers and weeds (exciting eh?). Our crappy little camera was just not cutting it, so his sister Kirston kindly allowed him to borrow her quite nice camera for over a week. I know this is not an easy thing to trust to someone else, but we are very grateful.

-Speaking of Kirston, we bought a bushel of peaches from her friend for a great deal. She called me earlier in the week to come get them and said that they are super ripe and ready to can right away. However, in the midst of all the craziness going on, I simply had no time. (let alone the problem of I have no idea how to can things! haha...). So what did she do? She canned them all herself for us! What a champ! Definitely something she did not need to do.

-In addition to watching Hallie today for me, my cousin Sarah and her husband Daniel are giving us a sectional! Heck yes! Better than the tiny loveseat we have in our basement right now. We will see how we can cram it into our quite small family room, but we are super excited. How friendly can they get? We will get the couch tomorrow, so we will see how it goes!

I often find myself not noticing the little things (or big things) that people do for me that are a great service and a sacrifice to them. So, I am going to try to do better at this. Then it reminds me that I ought to be doing nice things for others more often.

So here's to nice people! Yay for you, you make my life better.


Emily Empey said...

haha you crack me up!!! Wow people are awesome! I need to come see you! If I get a small break i will come see you and Halls!

Carlie said...

Well I love that I was mentioned! I LOVED watching your little one. Call anytime. Love you guys.

Carlie said...
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Carlie said...

P.S. I rocked the math test. :)

Buzz and Camille said...

Ohh love it!! People love to help you because you are extra awesome! Seriously!! Love you!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

I loved this post!!! There are some amazingly nice people out there!!!! And as Mille said you are extra awesome so you deserve all the niceness from people!!!

Shawna said...

there really are wonderful people in the world especially family. I'm jealous you live by sarah and soon Ashley! But seriously who wouldn't want to do something nice for you - you are one the nicest people I know!

lisa said...

Kim, what a nice post. Isn't it nice that people are so kind. I love it.

AB said...

I like nice people too, it sure makes life easier doesn't it? I can't wait to read your adoption blog! I always think it is super interesting. -Afton