September 3, 2010

Bear Lake in Pictures

We had a wonderful time at Bear Lake last week with my mom, Dave, Jennifer, and Dave's kids. Micheal and Lara made it later in the week after we had already left. This was Devin's one big vacation of the summer-poor man, he is just constantly working and schooling-so he was extra excited. Mom and Dave rented this nice house where we all stayed. It was huge and had all the extras: hot tub, pool table, movie room, foosball table, etc. It was great! The only BUMMER deal of the whole time was when everyone got sick. UGH. We left Thursday and that was the day we really started feeling ill. What is with our trips and illness, right??? Anyway, we were out for the next little while...I am telling you, worst illness I can remember my entire life! I won't go into all the details, but let's just say we were SICK. Devin's parents came to get Hallie last Saturday because both Devin and I were practically dying and she was sick too. They kept her until Tuesday, which was really nice and helpful, though we sure missed our girl. We are finally back on our feet and trying to get our lives back in order now. Anyway. Bear Lake was fantastic. Here are a billion pictures to show our great time. Devin was probably most excited about all the channels on the TV. Here he is within minutes of our arrival. Believe me, ESPN was on every spare moment when we were at the house.
Grandma Lisa bought these swimsuits for Hallie and Sadie. I thought they were hilariously cute. Hello, chubby ballerina??

Practicing in the tube on the safe concrete. Haha. Here is Hallie, Sadie, my mom, and Jett.
The girls were funny, as always. Hallie hated the water and sand at first (I know, surprising) and Sadie loved it. Hallie loved riding the jetski and the tube though and Sadie didn't like that. Hallie almost insisted upon driving the jetski. She is crazy.
These pictures are out of order, but oh well. Here we are at the house having some breakfast. It was nice to have so much room for everyone all in the same place.
Devin riding the kneeboard.
Whoa, my hair. Yeah, its looked like that for about the past two weeks (maybe not the sticking up parts on a good day), but hey, what can I say? We were on vacation and then I have been sick. Maybe I will start doing my hair again soon. Can't make any promises though.
Hallie finally decided that she wanted to go swimming in the water and when she decided it had to be NOW. We were in the middle of the lake after my mom was water skiing, so she graciously stayed in the water so Hals could swim, oh, and cling to her flag for dear life.
Hallie, Sadie, and Jaiden. Jaiden is Jaimie's daughter (Jaimie is Dave's daughter. Got that straight?) Jaiden is right in between Hallie and Sadie, so it was fun for the three of them to play together sometimes.
Grandma out with the girls. Its so nice that the water is so shallow for quite a ways at Bear Lake.
Jennifer getting ready to knee board.

Hallie and Sadie at breakfast one morning. Apparently sharing is a good way to spread viruses. haha, just kidding. Anyone within a mile of each other caught the thing. I was afraid to keep my windows open once we got home so that the neighbors wouldn't get it, it was THAT bad.

Its always fun when both girls scream at once.

Again the hair. Let's not comment.
This floaty toy was a popular item amongst the children and a popular thing to fight over.
Sadie enjoying the water. She was content to sit there and play for hours on end.
Dave and my mom. She is still so love-struck.
Jen and Sadie.

The house was really close to the beach so my mom would often cart the girls down in the bike trailer. This pictures is just cute, you gotta admit!
Thanks mom and Dave for the great trip! Next year we vote no throwing up!


Emily Empey said...

oh man me and Mary had the SAME thing! Jen and i were talking i had it the monday you were in bear lake, Will got it on Tuesday, and Mary WOW got it bad on WEdnesday! NOT FUN! it was BAD!

BUt glad you had fun in Bear Lake! we are heading there tomorrow!!!

Paige said...

Glad you had a great time but getting sick on vacation is no fun! I gotta say, my favorite picture is of Hallie in the yellow swimsuit. Adorable! I love the look on her face, too.

Abby said...

Looks like you had a great time!! I've never been to Bear Lake but it looks so fun. Nice that you stayed so close to the beach.
Your hair isn't THAT crazy! :)

Jaimie said...

I vote no throwing up too! Even with the throw up though it was a lot of fun! Thanks for letting us play games with you guys...with Jons crazy Scattergories answers...haha. It was great to get to know you guys better!

Brady & Ashley said...

Ha ha ha ha!!! That yellow swimsuit cracks me up! I love that you & Devi are string beans and then you have this chunker baby! She's so dang cute!

Haylee said...

Gotta love me some bear lake! Looks like a blast other than the sickness of course. I'm sorry about that, we know all about sickness on vacation. (we call our last christmas the christmas from Hell.. when we got the stomach flu and the boys had RSV) Fun pictures!

lisa said...

Nice pictures Kim, lets not talk about MY Hair!

Jessica said...

Looks like you had a blast at bear lake and I love Hallie's chubby ballerina legs!! So cute.

My brother and his wife are finishing up their papers so that they can adopt a baby and I was wondering if you had any tips I could tell them to help the process go faster or any other advice you might have?

Kim said...

Jessica, sure I would love to talk to your brother and his wife. Email me at and we can talk from there.