September 16, 2010

Back by Popular Demand

And by popular demand, I mean one person has demanded. But hey, that's enough for me. Hallie is funny. Here are some more videos of her doing her favorite things- singing and being loud.


Cody and Meg said...

Oh little Halls! She is so dang hilarious! I mean laugh out loud funny. I like that she hit her baby on the head with the paper too...didn't want her to feel left out...

P.S. I will get back to your e-mail in the very near future.

Camille said...

hahahaha THANK YOU!!! It just brightened my morning! She is seriously so smart!

Paige said...

She is FULL of personality! So smart, too! What a cutie.

Jen said...

I can't get over how stinking smart she is. Can she come tutor Sadie???

Seth and Kylee said...

haha love love love her!

Emily Empey said...

hahahaha WHAT A HAM!!!! She is to gosh darn cute!!! How fun! LOVE HER!

Buzz and Camille said...

So we're on our 20th times watching this or so... What is she saying at the beginning of the first video? WE LOVE HER! (and you and Dev)

Kim said...

Mille- She is saying "me love mommy she love me" as in "We are a happy family" song.

M. Dahl said...

Esther loved watching it! She got a little loud in response to Hallie! She is so fun!

Carlie said...

Laughed out loud at this. :)

lisa said...

She is so smart!! I loved it. Thank you for posting it.

lisa said...

What a smartie pants. Should we be alarmed that she is hitting her doll on the head. LOL She has lots of energy.