August 12, 2010


Hallie really likes singing. Obviously she is better at "I am a Child of God" than "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam." That one she is still learning. But it's still pretty cute.


The Jensen's said...

she is so cute, jake loves the sunbeam song too!! cant wait to see you guys at the lake!!

Lindsey said...

Adorable! I can't believe that she can talk so much! What a smarty.

Emily Empey said...

haha that is ADORABLE!!!! Mary LOVED watching this and she kept yelling SADIE and i said no thats Hallie- and said SALLIE?? haha Sure babe! So cute Kim!

LeMira said...

Those are ADORABLE!

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

I can't believe how good she is at those! She is not even two.... I hate to say this, but the child is a prodigy. No really. And I also credit myself. It was the babysitting during early development that did the trick. And besides all of that. I miss her. Love, Che' (and Carl)

amy said...

So good seeing you yesterday! I had to chuckle at these videos Kim. She is adorbs. Send her down to AZ anytime so I can play with her! :) Also, I had to read the vomit story and wow. just wow. Sounds like an exciting summer for you!!

Jen said...

I miss Hals!! She is so smart! Why don't you let her come stay at my house for a week?

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh Kim! You have the most adorable little girl!! That is the most precious thing ever!!! I love it! I hope I can teach Payton to sing those songs! I miss your guts lady! Totally wish we lived closer! And by the way... such a CRAZY vacation you had with your lil' mishaps! I must admit I was giggling a bit... but not about the part about you getting sick! UGH! That sounded so terrible!

lisa said...

What a smarty pants. She sings great!! I was also very amazed that you can sing on key because I know I can't.

Mike and Kim said...

That is so adorable! I can't believe how big she is getting.

Crystal said...

this is adorable! I can't believe how well she talks and sings! she already can carry the tune and notes well!

M. Dahl said...

Seriously so cute and she is singing so good! What a smarty!