August 17, 2010


Hallie has been able to open the refrigerator on her own for a while now, but just recently she has started to open it 48757 times per day to find herself a "snack". While this is good in one way (independence), it is bad in many other ways.

You can go ahead and judge me that I don't watch my child every second of every day, but its just not possible. When I haven't seen or heard from her for a while, she can almost always be found hunched in some corner eating her latest snack. Of course the refrigerator door has also been left open for who knows how long each time.

Luckily, the only things she gets out of the fridge to snack on are fruit and salad dressing. She hasn't mastered opening the salad dressing (and when she does, she will probably curb that snack habit quickly. At least I hope. I definitely don't want her pouring Ranch down her throat when she feels hungry.)

Unluckily, we are now consuming an awful lot of fruit around here. She only generally eats half of what she gets out, so then I finish it so that it doesn't go to waste. Yesterday alone this is what we ate:

*a banana
*a peach
*an apple
*half a bag of grapes
*1/4 container of strawberries

And this was all after I went grocery shopping at 4 pm. Yikes. Bad for the budget and bad for the diaper count if you know what I mean.

Right now she is running around the house as I write this post with a grapefruit in her hands. I keep putting it back and she keeps getting it back out. Luckily she hasn't taken a bite out of it (yet).

See what I mean? Problematic. Anyone have any swell advice on this subject? How you keep your children from eating 14 pieces of fruit daily? I guess I could have worse problems though...


Arizona Sun said...

put toys in the fridge or something.. Like in the areas she can reach.. and if you can put all the stuff you don't want her to have on higher shelves (if you have side by side. If you have the freezer on top, I suggest locking the fridge or putting a gate around it..I don't know though cause I don't have kids)

Lauren said...

Good luck is all I can say. Just wait until she starts getting into the block of cheese and cold hot dogs.

Crystal said...

I laughed so hard at this post! Because I was just complaining to Michael that for some reason our grocery bill has skyrocketed because I have to buy SO many more fresh fruits and veggies! I mean Michael and I were always healthy but I want to make sure Matthew is - and he takes them out of the fridge too (he can't open it yet but just beelines it there whenever I open it!) anyway good luck with the diaper changes and the grocery budget!

Shawna said...

i totally agree with whoever that l. bryce was..tie the door shut or gate off the kitchen--it would drive me crazy to have someone in the fridge constantly. My kids were never strong enough to open the fridge doors when they were Hallie's age and then when they were old enough they didn't care so much to do so.lucky you:) although Ali did come into my room with a huge handful of sandwich meat the other day..sick! course you can negotiate a little and explain a little more with a 3 yr. old. I was laughing at the girl who commented about the cold hot dogs-- remember Karch used eat the butter sticks haha! at least she is going for fruit! do you do bountiful baskets to get your fruits? if not we really need to talk!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh my gosh! That is so funny! I'm sure I won't be thinking it's so funny when Payton learns to do that though! LOL. Good luck Kimmie!

Jen said...

My only idea would be to lock the fridge somehow. Gotta love parenting!!

Haylee said...

this is so hilarious! She is a cutie! We went with everyone else advice and locked our fridge when Jackson was into this phase. You can buy appliance locks in the baby saftey areas of the stores. We currently dont have a lock on ours and Jackson is always going to get more and more juice and milk. He also gets the fruits, but he is easier to reason with at this age as well.

Mike and Kim said...

Maybe you could put some sort of child proof lock on the fridge??? But I'm just a new mom and haven't encountered the toddler age yet. Good luck :)

Holley and Luke Burbank said...

oh my gosh I love her!!! Id be going for the fruit too!!! hey- at least shes a healthy little bug

Emily Empey said...

Haha love it! Mary loves to do that too! but she grabs the yogurt! Anyway get the appliance locks! WONDERFUL!