Hallie is nearly 22 months which means she turns the big 2 in just 2 months. I can't believe how fast time has gone! It seems like we just had her 1st birthday. Anyway...Here are some fun things about her at 22 months:
*She is starting to speak in sentences and grasping concepts like possessives. She likes to point out different objects and tell us who they belong to. "Mama's shoes", "daddy's book", or "Hallie's chair". Everything has to belong to someone and she likes to tell us who that is.
*Hallie knows what she wants. Almost every day, when she first wakes up, she will stand up in her crib and shout "I EAT!!!!!!!" as loud as she can to get my attention that she is ready for some breakfast.
*Hals points out when she has dirtied her diaper by telling us "I stinks. Bad."
*I like to ask Hallie if she is "Mama's Girl." She usually responds, "Daddy's girl!" (no surprise there), though lately she has taken it one step further and responds "Hallie's girl!" I guess she doesn't want to be anyone's girl but her own?
*Hallie loves to sing, as you saw a few posts ago. She often bursts into song on her own. Along with "I am a Child of God" and "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam", she loves "We are a Happy Family", "Ring Around the Roses", the "Abc's", and "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home." She often sings to herself when she is alone in her crib.
*Over the summer, we had a girl in our ward watching Hallie twice a week during our hectic schedule times. Hals usually went over to their house and the whole family just loves her, as she does them. She requests Annie and Ashley (two of the family's girls) all the time. She hates to leave their house and probably prefers being there over here. (the picture below is from a time they took her to the zoo. See why she might love them? They were always taking her to do fun activities!)
*Similarly, Hallie has always loved nursery. She marches on in each week without even looking back. When we come to get her at the end, she refuses to leave and throws fits. Hmmmm.....Is she trying to hint that we are just not that fun?
*Hallie's favorite things include bubbles, books, food, powerade ("juice"), swimming, running, jumping, dancing, singing, and being social. She wants to make friends with everyone around her and she is pretty good at it, so far.
P.S. Thank you to everyone for your comments in the last post. I had no idea there were such things as appliance locks. The day after I posted that, I happened to go to a Home Visit at one of my clients' homes. They have a little boy who is really wild and was running and jumping and getting into everything. This led us into a discussion about wild kids and I mentioned my recent problem with Hallie getting into the fridge. The mom pulled out a huge bag of safety locks of all types and handed me a fridge lock right then and there! Gotta love nice clients! :) Love that she had extras, too. Anyway, so the fridge is safely locked. However, Hallie can now open the lock. So that lasted a good few days. But at least that gives me some time to be alerted that she is getting into the fridge as I can hear her working on the lock. Onto our next adventures...
Oh my goodness Kim she is such a cutie! I was DYING of laughter when you wrote that she alerts you and Dev when she's dirtied her diaper! Oh that is priceless!!!! ha ha ha! She's got one funny little personality!!!!
I love the updates of Hals. Keep them coming!! It was good to see you guys. So sorry that we got you sick. I hope you're feeling better now.
great post--what a funny little girl and very smart too! I love the I eat thing in the morning! too funny!
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